Main Street Books, Reedsburg, WI
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This wonderful used book store in Reedsburg is another success story thanks to the power and generosity of the Book Industry Charitable Foundation (BINC). Thanks to a grant from BINC as well as a state and local grant among others, Main Street Books was able to survive their 2-month shut down. In fact, things were far from bleak and the business has done very well. In addition to the grants, the store was able to keep things going with the help of curbside deliveries and allowing customers in by appointment for browsing. Owner Dana W. has had this bookstore running for about 13 1/2 years so its no surprise that she could overcome a shut down and come out of it with flying colors.
Main Street Books is a one-level tidy bookstore located downtown on the main street (of course) through town, a perfect location. They offer all used books and a handful of new ones of local interest or by local authors. Dana's background in library media and elementary education is a perfect fit with the store, her RETIREMENT job (see teacher friends? It can be done!). Customers who bring books in receive store credit in return and Dana refuses book donations and always gives customers store credit. In fact, one of her customers has built up $1100 of store credit (can you say, books for life?!). Impressive. Dana also acquires books by visiting thrift stores and keeping her eyes open for books to bring into the store. I thought the inventory of books here was outstanding. In addition to that dedicated core of local customers, the store sees a strong influx of tourists from the nearby Wisconsin Dells tourist destinations, especially in the summers.
This visit reminded me yet again of the blessings I have on this journey of meeting some of the nicest people one could hope to meet. Owners like Dana, and regular customers like Chris and Cynthia could not have been nicer or more welcoming. How lucky I am to enjoy these wonderful bookstore experiences with such kind and remarkable people. And I will remind all of YOU that you can't duplicate this experience online.
Way to go Dana and way to go Reedsburg. If you're in or near the Reedsburg area, make your way down to Main Street and visit Main Street Books for a wonderful bookstore experience. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Eventide, Kent Haruf. Another one of my all-time favorite authors who I would highly recommend if you haven't read any of his stuff yet. This book takes place in the small fictitious town of Holt, CO. It follows the story of a few of the citizens from young to old and their struggles with addiction, abuse, marital problems, and aging. The book includes the story of two elderly bachelor brothers who live on a farm outside of town and take in an unwed teenage mother. Their impact on each others lives is just one of the plot lines. It also includes one really nasty character. Outstanding work of fiction and highly recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: Freddy Goes Camping, Walter Brooks.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Not purchased but gifted, Still Life, Louise Penny. The Warsaw Orphan, Kelly Rimmer. Thanks Dana.
Beautiful storefront in downtown Reedsburg.
You can check out some bargains before you even go in. How good are these bargains? YOU decide what to pay!
The spacious display window reflects a brilliant day.
This is about the time I start holding my breath as I enter a bookstore.
This is the exhale. View looking into the store from the front entrance.
A reminder for all.
To the left after entering is the large print book section. It is shelved perfectly at eye-level making it much easier for senior citizens to browse instead of getting down on the floor and browsing the bottom shelf.
Some nice seats for the smaller readers.
I love this picture in every bookstore I visit. Notice the number of portable steps to help see the books shelved higher.
Kind of like the blind date with a book promos. I love this deal. You can't beat the price. |
The bargain bags of books can be found throughout the store. Just think, for $5 you can add 100 books to your home library (I resisted).
Independent bookstores almost always have a worthy local social cause.
Lots of unique bookmarks.
This should be a huge seller.
Just a few of the books offered of local interest or by local authors.
Lots of places around the store to sit and try out books.
I always enjoy seeing the creative repurposing of books into book art.
The perfect chair to sample a book.
Go to the back room to find cookbooks, diet, crafts, DIY, and more.
Overview looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance.
This is an old school classroom desk. I sat in one like this many times.
The store has floor to ceiling books but there are several step-ladders throughout the store to help you reach the upper shelves.
Locally made and very practical.
Just in case the Packers have a bad game, customers can wipe away their tears from this cool Packers kleenex holder.
I've seen many unique book-themed clocks on my bookstore visits.
The perfect thing to hold your page open while you read.
With Dana, the fine owner of Main Street Books standing proudly in front of her store. Thanks for a great visit.
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