The Book House In Dinkydale, Minneapolis, MN
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Two things to be aware of when you visit this wonderful used bookstore in Dinkytown of Minneapolis. First, your IQ will immediately jump dozens of points since you're surrounded by numerous works of philosophy, sociology, and academia among the approximately 30,000 books in the store (not to mention all the really smart booksellers and staffers you'll be surrounded by!). This store instantly made me feel smarter and I'll take all the help I can get. Secondly, consider eating a large cookie while browsing the labyrinth of nooks, aisles, and rooms. The cookie crumb trail will be your life line to find your way back out! Of course, this is EXACTLY the kind of store book lovers flock to with no desire to leave in any hurry. Since this Minneapolis institution has been a vibrant member of the Dinkytown community for 45 years and with the original owner, I'd say they've got a good groove going.
The Book House is located on the main street through Dinkytown, a very active retail area in a college town worth a visit. The business is located on the 2nd floor of the Dinkydale building and is very easy to find for 1st-time customers. Don't be intimidated by the philosophy and academia genres here because they have everything. In addition to the 30,000 books in the store, they have approximately another 30,000 in storage. They're very active with their online sales which is easily over half of their business. But if you're able to visit the store the price of the book will be a little less than if you buy it online. The store also has a large inventory of collectable and rare books and they are scattered throughout the store. These books can be found on their website along with about 30,000 others, an excellent online presence.
The obvious customers here are the ones with a tie to the University of Minnesota, over 60% or so of their customers. Students, parents, and professors all find their way here. In their 45 years of business, this is only their 2nd location having been in the current space for 8 years.
The staff here is out of this world. I didn't meet Kristen, the owner, during this visit but had a great time talking to store manager Ryan along with Matt, Tom, and Catherine. Ryan and Matt are in the process of taking over the ownership and they seem like they'll be perfect for that and will secure the store's presence into the future.
Hey Gopher freshmen, did your freshmen orientation guides take you to The Book House? No? Well, you didn't get the full tour then. If nothing else, tell your book-loving parents to check this terrific place out after they drop you off. Or maybe they'll drop YOU off here! Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: My Life And Hard Times, James Thurber. Originally published in 1933, the author was a humorist, cartoonist, and writer and was with the New Yorker for many years. A fun, quick read, autobiographical in nature, of his many funny episodes in his early years growing up in Ohio. Refreshing and historical look at life in the early 20th century. Recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: Lightning Strike, William Kent Krueger.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Not purchased, but gifted: The Art of Freddy, illustrations by Kurt Wiese, text by Walter R. Brooks. Thanks Ryan.
There are a handful of theories about how Dinkytown got it's name. The certainty of the area though is there is nothing boring about it.
Follow the signs and proceed upstairs to The Book House.
Look for this sign at the ground-level entrance and then proceed up the stairs.
Lots of college history in this area. If you went to the University of Minnesota and never visited this bookstore you missed out.
Looking straight into the store after coming up the stairway.
Better view of the store looking to the left from the entrance.
A bargain display at the checkout counter.
Another overview of the main room. Keep in mind that there are MANY more books behind that pictured bookshelf.
The store doesn't have many sidelines but they have some wonderful unique greeting cards made by local artists.
Vintage and collectible books can be found throughout the store. These are right at the check-out counter.
A long aisle off the main room.
One of the many book nooks found throughout the store.
Really? The COMPACT edition? I'd hate to see the unabridged version!
I can always find good stuff in the new arrivals at a used book store.
Many indies featured a display of banned books during Banned Books Week.
Partial view of one of the several rooms.
You'll find these just inside the store entrance.
Unique art work rarely found elsewhere.
Overview of one of the side rooms.
Books and music on vinyl.
One of the back rooms.
I love this vintage card.
A particular genre of vintage books that I haven't seen in many indies!
The perfect place to sample a book.
Many of the vintage and collectible editions can be found in this room.
With Ryan on the right, the fine store manager at The Book House In Dinkytown. Thanks for a great visit.
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