Lift Bridge Book Shop - Brockport, NY |
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What do booksellers do on their day off? Why, go to the bookstore and do a little work of course! Taysie, one of the booksellers at the Lift Bridge Book Shop was doing exactly that on the day of my visit. I don't think this is unique to Lift Bridge. This probably happens in indies across the country and is also one of the reasons these places are successful. Bookstore people, by and large, are passionate about their stores and business, the business of books. And as with other bookstores, that plays a part in the success for 40+ years at the Lift Bridge Book Shop.
This two-level store is located on the main street in downtown Brockport, which is a small town in the Rochester, NY area. The store was originally heavily involved in the text book business with the local college, SUNY-Brockport. But as with other indies, they have learned how to adapt and evolve over time. Today, the store offers both new and used books (the only indie in the county with new books), an incredible assortment of sidelines, especially for kids, art supplies, games, magazines and newspapers. They buy back used books and offer cash for what they acquire. The sidelines for babies has recently expanded its offerings and this portion of the business is showing good promise. Overall, the sidelines are a very important part of the store's revenue.
The majority of the staff has been in place for awhile, but the owners have not. John B. and Cody S., the owners, have been here for less than a year. I had a great time meeting Cody who was very nice to talk to and told me a lot about the store. He and his staff were very welcoming during my visit and I enjoyed my time talking to all of them. So many of the components of success here are ones that they have in common with many other bookstores. Great local support, primo location, outstanding customer service, and experienced staff. They also have a contract with many of the local schools to fill their book orders and this is huge. During the summer months, they get a good bump in business from the tourist traffic.
This is a wonderful indie in a small central NY town. But while I was here, it was revealed to me that some of the local citizens haven't been here yet. Huh? You're kidding me, right? Furthermore, I was told that when locals visit here for the first time they can't believe how great this place is. Apparently, there are some in Brockport who still need to learn this lesson. Hey Brockport, step up and support a local business that's a wonderful bookstore and meet the terrific people that work there. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
The H-Bomb And The Jesus Rock, John Manderino. 3 kids growing up in the early 60s with all the threats of world nuclear war and the discovery of a rock that looks like Jesus. I think my favorite passage is the mention that Jesus might have had a dog named Pepper who was fed scraps under the table at the Last Supper. Hilarious. If you want a light, quick read, this is it.
Nothing Gold Can Stay, Ron Rash.
This store front is one of the most beautiful I've seen. Some of the alert readers may notice a rare glimpse of the celebrity in front of the window display. Yes, that's my mom. |
A nice window display. |
View looking into the store from the front entrance. |
A good selection of magazines. |
A few of the greeting cards you'll find here. These are located near the front of the store. |
A timely display with the recent Memorial Day holiday. |
Lots of sidelines for kids. Kids will love coming to this store. |
I've never seen this but it sounds like it is extremely soft. If I were a baby, I would want to be wrapped in this! |
A portion of the children's section, located in the rear of the store. |
Resources for college students. |
View from the rear of the store looking toward the front. |
Check out what the book clubs are reading. |
In the downstairs level you'll find a nice assortment of art supplies. |
You'll also find some great buys in the downstairs level. |
A nice piano just waiting for some attention. The graphic artist for The Indie Bob Spot and accomplished pianist, Cheryl M., would enjoy performing here. |
Some more bargains to find, also downstairs. |
With Cody, on the right, one of the co-owners. Thanks for a great visit. |
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