Saturday, June 13, 2015

Chautauqua Bookstore - Chautauqua, NY

Chautauqua Bookstore - Chautauqua, NY
(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on Twitter)

Readers, if any of you have been to this area or know someone who has, I would love to hear about it.  The bookstore here was located in an area called the Chautauqua Institute.  It felt like a compound built to hold senior citizens.  You entered through a gated entrance, which had a small toll booth structure.  It was unmanned at the time so I proceeded into a community (not knowing if I was allowed to enter) with late 19th century style houses built very close together along late 19th century style streets barely wide enough for 2-way traffic.  It was extremely hard to navigate because of this and the parked cars on the street.  I felt like I was entering some kind of "Twilight Zone" and even expected to see some kid in knickers rolling a hoop through the neighborhood.  But I didn't see a single kid anywhere.  "Twilight Zone," people.

This was really not an official Indie Bob Spot bookstore visit.  When I go to bookstores I go in like I'm diving right into the pool.  I talk to everyone I can, I leave Indie Bob Spot bookmarks, I take lots of pictures, and sometimes buy a book.  I did none of that here except a couple of pictures.  The only reason I'm even writing an entry for this place is to share the experience.  I put my pinky toe in the pool and said to myself, "this water doesn't feel right."

There were some books here but the store was more of a general store with a little bit of everything.  The books just seemed like a very small portion of the overall picture.  Parking?  Good luck.  This place is built for the in inhabitants of the 19th century so they just walk.  This bookstore wasn't intended for some goofball driving across the country stopping at every possible indie along the way.  But that's ok, it's all part of the journey...unofficially of course!  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir.

JUST FINISHED:  Escape From Paris, Carolyn Hart.  Outstanding.  If you like WWII historical fiction you will love this one.  Two sisters living in Paris under Nazi control assist the escape from France of English airmen.  Although this is fiction, it's not far-fetched.  Very suspenseful.  Highly recommended.

CURRENTLY READING:  A Stranger In My Own Country, Hans Fallada.


Not many books.  

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