A House For Stories Tea & Bookshop, Marshall, MO
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I'm still managing to find bookstores that opened during the pandemic, found their footing, and subsequently forged onto current successes. That's the story for this splendid bookstore, A House For Stories Tea & Bookshop, in Marshall, MO. Christy started the business about two years ago but sold it to the husband//wife team of Cynthia and Benjamin who've been here for about three months. Their takeover began shakily but has now smoothed out with a successful holiday season and they're starting to see positive growth.
You know the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover?" That's perfectly fitting for this indie. Don't be fooled by the humble storefront. When you enter the store its like leaving the black and white world and entering the technicolor section of the Wizard Of Oz. A beautiful interior enhanced by Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata playing in the background. What an atmosphere! Enjoy the beauty, the books, and the creatively designed children's reading room.
The neatly arranged shop offers some new but mostly used books. If you have books to bring in you'll have to wait awhile until the store resumes accepting them. At the moment, Cynthia and staff are still going through everything they have stored. There are a few sidelines here and the games are starting to show sales growth.
The store has numerous events including game nights, Dungeons and Dragons night, card games, and knitting groups to name just a few. In the words of Cynthia's young daughter Rose, they want the store to be a fun place. Mission accomplished!
One of my favorite things I learned is that the store allows customers to trade puzzles. Bring one in, take a different one home. What a great idea! One more way to bring people into the store.
Best of all, as usual, are the terrific people I meet in bookstores. Cynthia, daughter Rose, and bookseller Dallin couldn't have been more welcoming and perfectly delightful to meet and visit with. I'm so lucky to meet bookstore people like this everywhere I go.
Hey Marshall and surrounding communities, you need to help this indie to keep getting stronger. If you've never been here, get with it. They have a great location downtown just off the square. Plan a visit and enjoy a wonderful experience at this great bookstore. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Remainders Of The Day, Shaun Bythell. The author owns a bookshop in Wigtown, Scotland and this is his third book about his town, the bookshop, the people, and the unusual customers. There's no plot; this book is his diary. He's a bit of a grump and really quite humorous. I've read all of his books and really enjoy them. I'll offer this quote from the book about a customer. "He had a bush of nose-hair, a single one of which appeared to have escaped the rest of the herd and reached almost down to his chin." I'll make sure I trim before I visit. Recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: Carthage, Joyce Carol Oates.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Dear County Agent Guy, Jerry Nelson. The Day The World Ended At Little Bighorn, Joseph M. Marshall III
The bookstore is located just off the square but if you take time to walk around the square you can enjoy this historical government building.
You've heard the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover?" Inside this unassuming store front you'll find a beautiful bookstore waiting for your attention.
There's no one season for giving a book.
View from the front of the store to the back.
Looking toward the left wall from the front entrance.
Many bookstores utilize these little bookcarts to display their bargains.
The left wall of the store offers a long line of shelves for your browsing.
Just inside the entrance and the right side of the bookstore.
Very affordable audio books.
A portion of the non-fiction available.
Some of the children's books offered. Behind these shelves is a very cool children's room.
Children will love this store.
This is a comfy area to lounge with your book and a hot tea.
Bring in your puzzle and trade it for one of these. I think this is a terrific promotion.
Enter through this door to the magical children's room.
Comfy seating for the kids.
An excellent place to sit and read a book to a son or daughter.
Children's room decor.
Incredible mural in the children's room. I think this is the coolest room in the store.
Table top of book covers.
To the back of the store and to the left is a multi-purpose room.
You're covered.
Overview looking from the back toward the front entrance.
I can find remarkable creativity in every bookstore I visit. Well done.
With Cynthia, the fine co-owner at A House For Stories Tea & Bookshop. Thanks for a great visit.
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