Between The Pages Bookstore, Lebanon, IN
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Towns like Lebanon, IN with a population of approximately 16,000 continue to be challenged in their efforts to support local businesses. I get it, I've heard it throughout my journey. It's easy to go online, click, and submit. But you put the livelihoods of your communities in peril. Amazon pays no taxes and doesn't put money back into your community. Do they donate to the local Angel Fund like Between The Pages? Hah, of course not. During my visit to this wonderful bookstore, this is where I found co-owner Brian's passion. It is critical to understand that a community thrives when its small businesses are successful. I know I can get a book cheaper elsewhere but its nothing like visiting Between The Pages where I get to meet Brian and hear his story. I get to meet customer Clair and hear about her favorite author, Joanne Fluke. I get to talk to bookstore cat Alice, a charmer to all including the customer who came in just to see Alice. You don't get these experiences online. But to benefit the community, "likes" on Facebook won't do it. Visit the store, join one of the four book clubs, attend one of the many events, and purchase something for yourself or a friend. Come on Lebanon, buy local, shop local.
Between The Pages has been around for about 2 1/2 years but in this new location for about 8 months, owned by Brian and wife Cassie. They offer a few new books but predominantly used books, most of which are donated but you can receive trade or credit if you so desire. All the books are on an inventory, really good news in a used book store. If you can't visit the store in person consider visiting their website where you can make a purchase online. Most of the sidelines are created locally and include items like jewelry, bookmarks, and a very cool American flag crafted in wood by Brian. And of course there's Alice, who is a star attraction at the store.
I hope you get to meet Alice but she keeps a very busy schedule of playing and napping. |
One of my favorite things here is the independent author library. A section of books by self-published authors and/or published by small presses. You don't have to buy these and you can enjoy unlimited monthly rentals at a VERY low monthly fee. A great promotion for those who don't want to buy the book.
Ok Lebanon, make your way to 2350 N. Lebanon St., the new location and enjoy a terrific experience for you AND the community. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Indian Horse, Richard Wagamese. I discovered this author on a recent bookstore visit and cannot recommend him highly enough. This author is an Ojibwe Canadian and his books reflect his life and experiences. This book of fiction is about Saul, growing up as an Indigenous Canadian and part of that culture until he slowly loses his family to the new encroaching culture of white Canadians. His grandmother is his last tie and when she dies, he is taken to a Catholic school and endures unspeakable abuse but finds his passion and talent playing hockey. When he reaches adulthood he is forced to face his demons. Highly recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: Godspeed, Nickolas Butler.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: I Could Chew On This, Francesco Marciuliano.
Beautiful storefront on a beautiful day.
Follow the directions.
Large display window.
View looking into the store from the front entrance. The combination of the natural light, the checkered floor, and bright paint color really makes the store pop.
Locally made earrings can be found right at the checkout counter.
When I arrived I think Alice had just woke up from a nap. She quickly made it to her office chair and pretended to look busy.
It's always fun to see what the book clubs are reading.
Look to the hard right after you enter and you'll see this uniquely made book pyramid.
The upper walls around the store show poster sized book covers.
A portion of the books by local authors.
Center of the store table display.
I love this very comfortable area in the front of the store. A great place to just sit comfortably and enjoy a book. |
I think I can guarantee that no other bookstore has this one of a kind circular table with a personalized glass cover on the top of symmetrically stacked books. Very nice.
"Order a book or give me a treat. Or better yet, do both!"
If you're considering a book but don't want to buy it, consider renting it. A great way to save money and still support the store.
This is the independent author library nook.
One of a kind locally created bookmarks only available here.
Colleen Hoover is a thing.
Side to side cross section overview. Check out the book cover posters at the top of the opposite wall.
Beautifully crafted American flag by Brian himself. The price is a bargain.
Staff picks display.
New book bargains.
One of the stores' book nooks. No matter where you go, you can't escape the iconic floor checkerboard or the bright aqua walls.
If your child is old enough to begin the Harry Potter journey, they've got you covered.
A variety of t-shirts are offered.
A few of the attractive book sleeves available.
Looking into the kids' room.
Take a break and enjoy some chess in the kids' room.
Overview of a beautiful store looking from the back toward the front entrance.
With Brian on the left, the fine co-owner at Between The Pages Bookstore. Thanks for a great visit.
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