Bestsellers Books & Coffee, Mason, MI
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How in the world does a town of approximately 8000 support a long-running successful independent bookstore? And it not only survives but enjoys a healthy longevity of around 25 years. After talking to booksellers Annie and Abby (thankfully, the A team was working on the day of my visit!) its clear that their secret for sustained success starts at the top with owners Jamie and Scott. As Annie told me, Jamie is a very bright business woman and this husband/wife team owns several Mason businesses including The Vault, the next door delicatessen, a hardware store, an air BnB, and others along with Bestsellers. After hearing about Jamie's list of accomplishments and current businesses, a successful bookstore in a town this size does not surprise me a bit.
Jamie and Scott are the founders and only owners of this terrific bookstore. They've been in their current location for about 18 years and in business for a total of about 25 years in this great location right downtown on the square. You'll find a good inventory of new books along with a variety of sidelines including puzzles, stickers, pens and markers, and journals to name a few. The cafe service is a huge part of the the business with coffee and espresso drinks along with baked items. There is an entire room devoted to cafe seating through the right side of the store. Many customers will get something at The Vault deli next door and bring it to the Bestsellers cafe area. The large cafe seating room to the right also displays many art works for sale by local artists. And as if this area isn't large enough, go upstairs and see the very roomy space to sip a coffee or read. Bestsellers has lots of options for events space and local groups can even rent the upstairs area for their own events. Impressive.
I had the best time talking to Annie and Abby and learned that Annie is a Michigan State graduate. Since I'm an Iowa grad we discussed our differences but were able to find some common ground with our equal disdain for the University of Michigan. Have I mentioned lately how much I love this journey and the fun people I get to meet?!
No matter your college allegiance, we can all agree on one thing. In Mason, MI, this is EVERYONE'S favorite. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Father and Son, Larry Brown. Story takes place in small-town Mississippi in the late 1960s and Glen has just been released from the state penitentiary and returns to his hometown with bitterness and anger. Story portrays the hard times, hard lives, and intersecting relationships of the small community. Lots of drinking, smoking, and abuse and many people who want to settle a score with Glen. I thought this book was fantastic. Highly recommended.
CURRENLY READING: The Man Who Lived Underground, Richard Wright.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Father and Son, Larry Brown.
An impressive historic building is the home to Bestsellers Books & Coffee.
The store has outdoor seating but you might not be able to enjoy it for a few months.
Every bookstore.
View looking into the store from the front entrance.
Looking slightly to the right from the front entrance and you'll see a very inviting cafe counter.
Michigan-themed puzzles make great gift items.
Lots of games, crafts, and activity books.
Kids will find a lot to like here.
Check out the staff picks for some great recommendations.
Overview of the store.
Looking across the store toward the back corner.
No two bookstores offer the exact same stickers. Collect them all!
Just a portion of the books of local and regional interest.
Head over to the left side of the store and begin your browsing.
Just a few of the gift cards available.
These look like challenging puzzles.
A replica of the desk I sat in decades ago.
If you know a child who hasn't started the Harry Potter series yet, get the entire set here.
These yummy cafe items were sold long ago. They've been replaced by ones much fresher.
Go to the right of the bookstore and you enter this spacious seating area. Beautiful.
A variety of unique mugs found in this room.
Many indies display art work by talented artists as good as any in the country.
Upstairs above the bookstore is a party/event center available to rent for your groups. This area is huge.
Walk toward the front of the building on this 2nd floor and find another nice area to sit and sip.
From the front of the building looking toward the back stairway.
When you get to the checkout counter don't overlook the last second buys.
Can't find the right item for a gift? Get them a gift card and they can do the shopping!
Independent bookstores do a great job of featuring banned books. Bravo Bestsellers.
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