Your Brother's Bookstore, Evansville, IN
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These are exciting times for Evansville. The downtown area is slowly seeing economic business growth and part of that growth includes Your Brother's Bookstore, a newbie only a few months old. Half a block away the city's tallest building was demolished (it has sat empty for years) and the property will be developed for multi-use. This growth and development bodes well for a brand new independent bookstore in a town that had been without an indie for many years. And yes, it's actually owned by two brothers.
Adam and Sam M. are the brothers who decided the time was right to open a bookstore in downtown Evansville. They had some good help from the Evansville downtown association which was anxious to have a bookstore downtown so this helped make their decision easier. They've been open 4 months now and so far so good. They did a terrific job of renovating this historic space into a warm and cozy bookstore. The store offers all new books and is especially well-stocked with new games, one of Adam's strengths. At some point, they'll add used books to the inventory and plan to shelve them right along with the new ones. They also have big plans for their 2nd floor space which they hope to turn into an area for playing games, hanging out, and events.
Linda H. was the bookseller I met on this visit and she told me the brother's skills were very complementary. After seeing the store and talking to Adam I could definitely see it. Adam is a former book buyer at Barnes & Noble so he's the book guy. Sam is the game guy for the store and has a background in cyber tech. A perfect ownership for this new indie.
I didn't meet Sam on this trip but am sure glad I had a chance to meet Adam. The brothers and this bookstore are positioned for a great future and Adam is very enthusiastic about all of it. This is a fun store to visit and if you're in the Evansville area, this is the kind of experience you can't get online. Check it out Evansville and you'll see what all the excitement is about. Congrats on the new store, Your Brother's Bookstore. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: The Stranger In The Lifeboat, Mitch Albom. A pleasure yacht explodes and the aftermath follows a lifeboat of the survivors and their encounter with a stranger who was simply floating in the ocean and came upon their boat. His identity challenges their faith for the remainder of the story. A good book that will make everyone consider how strong their faith really is. Recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: The Cat Who Saved Books, Sosuke Natsukawa.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: The Southern Book Club's Guide To Slaying Vampires, Grady Hendrix. Mycroft Holmes, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar & Anna Waterhouse. A Your Brother's t-shirt. Not purchased but gifted, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Johann Goethe.
Beautiful storefront.
Uh, yes please.
The straight-on view.
View looking into the store from the front entrance and the smiling bookseller Linda ready to help you find a book.
Looking to the right from the front entrance and you'll find a few of the books of local and regional interest. I love the old time radio on the very top.
Now THIS is a chair I could get comfy in with a book.
Game accessories right at the front counter.
Indie Bob likes these shirts. Be like Indie Bob and get one.
Go to the left side of the store and enjoy the browse along this wall of fiction.
Special edition for Dune fans.
A wonderful place in the store to sit and talk about books.
Just behind that sitting area is one very creative mural by a local artist. Nicely done.
Table display of popular and recent releases.
Regular readers of this blog are probably tired of hearing me trumpet my approval for the blind date with a books promotion offered in many indies.
Another excellent table display. I stretched tall, extended my arms high over head, and went for the aerial view.
People who are fans of games are going to love this store.
Healthy books table display.
The pictures I'm showing of games are only a fraction of what they offer.
Another outlet for your talents here at this indie.
You don't have to be from Evansville to enjoy one of these creative prints.
Lots of good non-fiction to choose from.
Even the children's section features a display of books.
Overview of the children's section in the back of the store.
View looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance.
Rare behind the scenes look at an Indie Bob Spot photoshoot. How many book people does it take to take a picture?
I was pointing out to Adam that I didn't have a clue how to do this.
And finally the finished product. With Adam on the left and Linda on the right, two of the fine people you'll meet at Your Brother's Bookstore. Thanks for a great visit.
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