Too Fond Of Books, Tahlequah, OK
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Tahlequah, OK is the capital of the Cherokee Nations. The town's population is approximately 16,000 and there is a college here, Northeastern State University, with a strong enrollment. Too Fond Of Books is located on the main street through town surrounded by other local businesses like Morgan's Bakery, right across the street. The diversity of businesses here was complete except for one thing, an independent bookstore. That problem disappeared about 7 months ago when Too Fond Of Books opened with co-owners Tom J. and Valerie R.
Too Fond Of Books also filled a void for Tom and Valerie who were doctors before beginning the bookstore chapter of their lives. This bookstore became their passion project and boy it has turned out great. The front part of the store is all new books, neatly arranged and organized. The emphasis here are genres of Native American interests. Scattered throughout the store you'll find numerous sidelines like greeting cards, bookstore candles, and journals to name just a few. I thought the children's section was especially good, located towards the back of the store. There are a few used books available in the back room and that part of the business is just getting started. For now, the store is accepting these books as donations only. In time, they hope to offer customers some kind of trade or store credit for the books they bring in. They already have a core group of regular customers and have also attracted some tourists who visit the area. As Daniel, one of the staffers told me, they're optimistic this customer base will continue to grow and I think he's right.
It's easy to see why Too Fond Of Books is having such a successful start to their business. The staff I met and visited with were outstanding. I didn't get to meet Tom and Valerie during my visit but I was so glad I could meet Sierra, Angel, and Daniel. These three were handling customers, filling orders, and shelving books all while patiently visiting with me. These are the real rock stars of the industry at every single independent bookstore.
A town this size is fortunate to have an independent bookstore like Too Fond Of Books. So many other communities would welcome a business like this. Congratulations Tom and Valerie and for those of you in the Tahlequah area, pay this terrific store a visit. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones. This should be required reading for every American and especially every politician (but some of them STILL wouldn't get it). A collection of essays documenting the historical challenges of African-Americans in every facet of life. Everything from capitalism and the wealth gap to music, traffic, and the broken health care system. Meticulously researched and documented. Want to know why the country has problems with race relations? Read this book. This book needs to not merely be read but studied. Highly recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family, Ron Howard and Clint Howard.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: The Cat Who Saved Books, Sosuke Natsukawa.
This beautifully created mural is on the side of the building. Impressive.
Creative display window.
I think this sign could be displayed year round!
View looking into the store from the front entrance.
Looking to the right from the front entrance. Let the browsing begin.
Looking to the left from the front entrance.
Attractive table display front and center.
I love these promotions I see in many bookstores, "blind date with a book."
Here are two examples of the book "blind dates."
Impressive display of staff picks and best sellers.
Another feature I've seen in several indies, bookstore candles.
A few of the greeting cards available.
The wooden floors in this bookstore really shined!
Two great seats to try out some books.
Just some of the books offered of local and regional interest.
Good luck getting past the checkout counter without one of these.
Partial view of the children's area.
If you have a child obsessed with dinosaurs, bring them here.
The back children's room. They can even practice their writing on the blackboard.
Journals of different sizes and colors available.
Follow this hallway to the back room...
... and you'll find a perfect event space and lots of used books.
If you know any Louis L'Amour fans, this collection is for them.
Maybe the Louis L'Amour fans can meet the Anne Perry fans here?!
Looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance.
Sierra finally was able to hold Krull, a 4-legged cutie pie for a picture. If you want to see Krull in the store, talk to Daniel. He has connections.
Many perfect chairs in the store to try out that perfect book.
With Sierra and Krull in the middle and Daniel on the right, two of the fine people you'll meet at Too Fond Of Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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