Fables Books, Goshen, IN
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When I visit bookstores I may have a little background info but for the most part I go in with a blank canvas and no expectations. Fables Books threw a 64 Crayola colors of paint at my blank canvas and I think I'm still recovering. The population of Goshen, IN is approximately 32,000 and without knowing that before hand my first thought was there's got to be more books here than the population. Kristin told me they had 40-45,000 inventoried and another lower level of books not on the inventory. And the great news here is that the space is so huge they can bulk up even more.
I hope the pictures below give you an idea of the store's space. A main level that is impressively large, a smaller lower level filled with books, and an upper level waiting to be transformed however they decide to use it. Located in downtown Goshen on a very busy and visible street, Fables Books has been here for about a year and a half and replaced a previous bookstore that left the space for an on line presence only. Thankfully, a handful of dedicated people were determined to keep a bookstore presence in Goshen and founded Fables Books. After a rough few months at the start of 2020, Kristin told me things are going well and the store is sustaining nicely. Part of the success here is attributed to a supportive downtown alliance and an outstanding group of loyal and regular customers. Way to go, Goshen.
Fables offers new and used books (mostly used), a good variety of games, greeting cards, jewelry, puzzles, and literary-themed gifts. They also offer vintage and collectible books and if you can't visit the store, consider ordering any book online. One of my favorite things here were the numerous comfortable places to sit throughout the store. As Kristin told me, they felt that it is important for people to feel as comfortable here as at home in their own living room. Mission accomplished! Over the past year, events have been offered via zoom but that will slowly change to live events over time.
This may be the first time visiting a bookstore where I learned how to play a game and actually played it. Kristin sat me down and taught me how to play Tenzi, a fun game with dice for all ages. She let me beat her in exchange for this glowing write-up!
If you're in the Goshen area, this bookstore is a MUST see. They're open for general browsing so it's time to check it out. But make sure you block out plenty of time becasuse your browsing will take awhile. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Time After Time, Karl Alexander. A time travel story about H.G. Wells who invents a time travel machine in 1890s London and the alleged Jack The Ripper makes an escape through it to 1979 San Francisco where he continues his crime spree. H.G. follows him there to return him to justice and also finds fascination in the changes over the decades. Very readable. If you like time travel, you might enjoy this one.
CURRENTLY READING: Cimarron, Edna Ferber.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Howl, Allen Ginsberg. The Water Dancer, Ta-Nehisi Coates.
The iconic Fables logo in the front window.
The store has lots of display window space on both sides of the front door.
View looking into the store from the front entrance. Start browsing immediately, you have a lot of store to go through.
View looking to the right from the front entrance.
View looking to the left from the entrance. There are many "living rooms" throughout the store. Great places to sit and sample a book. Alert readers my recognize Michelle T., the TIBS logistics and PR coordinator pondering her next book purchase.
Sigmund Freud fertile mind planter and pillow. Incredible sidelines you won't see anywhere except in an independent bookstore. If you see it in a bookstore and you like it, get it. You won't see it anywhere else.
If puzzles are your thing, go to the right immediately after entering. |
Since many senior citizens are large print readers, the location of this section is excellent. Front of the store and reachable shelves. The celebrity would've liked this.
One of my favorite pictures in any bookstore, the long aisle of bookshelves. Go to the right side of the store to relive this picture.
This book nook has a great place to sit with friends. Maybe consider a game of Tenzi!
Perfect way to display a variety of sidelines.
I've seen "out of print" merch before but not sure I've seen it as a necklace.
Partial view of another wonderful living room area to try a book.
For the stores that have the space, I love lots of places to sit.
Common sense rules to follow, for now, in any bookstore. |
Table display near the children's area.
A relevant section for the large Hispanic population of the community.
View looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance.
So many wonderful places throughout the store to gather with others or by yourself. My pictures only cover a few of these options.
You might as well get the movie AND the book!
Beautiful overview of the store.
The store offers lots of games but this one is hot! Get it before they're gone.
Kristin taught me this game and it was great. Highly recommended!
Just like trying out a book, you can try out a game!
This is the equivalent of waving the red cape in front of the bull. Don't tempt me.
If you think you're done with the store after one level, think again. Go downstairs to the Foxes' Den and browse the bargains.
Overview looking into the Foxes' Den.
With Kristin, one of the fine co-owners at Fables Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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