Lykke Books, New Ulm, MN
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How is it that I can visit a town of approximately 14,000 and enter an incredible bookstore not even one-year old that is knocking it out of the park?! This store is only a few months out of the gate but it could be a template for aspiring bookstore owners. It all starts with the owner Brie T. who has put this together creating a fantastic space AND is so much more than just books. And she’s just getting started with a non-profit for youth activities (including a bicycle maintenance and repair shop for kids), a wonderful grab ‘n go cafe service that will soon become a coffee shop, and an evolving children’s story time to name just a few. Honestly, this is just the tip of the Lykke (pronounced "Luka") Books business footprint (If Brie ever decided to run for city council she’d get my vote).
Lykke Books offers mostly new books with just a few used in this very large one-level space. There are a plethora of sidelines ranging from art supplies to reading glasses. But the most popular ones are the stickers, ukuleles, and unique and decorative table lamps. A huge part of the store’s initial success can be attributed to an ambitious events schedule, coordinated by Tammy, one of the booksellers.
Besides the terrific people here my favorite thing is the store interior. New Ulm is a community with a very strong German heritage and you can see that theme throughout the store, simply beautiful. It also has a lot of flexibility for various events. The log cabin in the front of the store hosts a hospice support group for one. The large cafe seating area is another event option. The true dedicated event space is in the back of the store and is able to accommodate yoga classes and ukulele lessons for kids. The ukulele classes are so popular that adults are now asking for them. This space is also available to rent to community groups. The downstairs space is empty and wide open. Heck, it’s so big they could roller skate or have a dance party. The options this store has for events are unlimited and would be the envy of many independent bookstores.
As I write this, YOU could even be a part of this wonderful bookstore. Brie and Lykke Books are looking to hire additional staff. If I lived in New Ulm this would be a no-brainer. Surrounded by books, food, and rock stars like Brie, Tammy, and Libby could be your dream job. Either way, check out this wonderful indie with the perfect location in downtown New Ulm. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: The Teacher, Freida McFadden. This author is generating some buzz so thought I better check her out starting with this book. Husband and wife teachers work at the same high school. As their marriage disintegrates husband Nathaniel takes interest in a student, who is a loner girl with no friends and a bad reputation from a scandal the previous year. Meanwhile, wife Eve begins an affair with a shoe salesman. This all sounds tacky but there are MANY unforeseen twists coming down the home stretch.
CURRENTLY READING: Keeper 'N Me, Richard Wagamese.
Looking into the store from the front entrance.
Table display just inside the entrance of recent releases.
Celebrate Black History Month.
Looking to the left from the front entrance.
To the left and curling around to this front corner of the store enjoy the store's art gallery. Unique works of art featuring different local artists each month.
One of my favorite views over on the left side of the store.
New Ulm has ukulele fever! These are popular sellers. Get yours here and join or start a class.
Immediately to the right after entering is this very cool log cabin.
A fun and comfy space inside the log cabin. One of the store's many options for events.
The store offers a select few used books in the log cabin room.
Beautiful piano in the front of the store and near the cafe seating area.
Overview of the cafe seating area. This space is another option for events.
This shirt is perfect for a New Ulm, MN bookstore. Not so sure about other regions of the country?!
Quirky bookstore socks offered here.
This unique table lamp has been one of the popular sidelines. Not sure I've seen anything like it.
In a German village, this wagon might have brats and hotdogs. Here in Lykke Books, it's the "sidelines wagon." Located in the middle of the store.
Grab and go with several options.
There are a variety of puzzles offered.
Another seating area in the cafe.
I haven't heard of this game but it sounds like fun.
This is the dedicated events space in the back of the store and it is huge. They've hosted yoga classes and ukulele classes in here to name just two. Community groups can also rent this space out. Very impressive space.
Another overview of the dedicated events space.
If you thought the dedicated event space was huge, this is another flexible option for events located downstairs. Big enough for a dance party!
This room is downstairs and is one of the non-profits hosted in the store. This is Project Bike Tech, an area devoted to helping kids learn how to fix and maintain bicycles. If you know a kid who's having trouble fitting in, maybe not doing sports anymore, and looking for something to try, this might be perfect.
Another overview of the Project Bike Tech room. Nicely done, Brie.
Secrets of happy people and the store name.
The store has a wide variety of art supplies.
Looking into the children's area and some great places to sit.
Overview of the children's area.
Another angle of the children's area.
Wonderful overview of the store looking from the back toward the front entrance.
Let your Spanish-speaking friends know they have books for them.
I would have a problem leaving this area.
The "Blind Date With a Book" promotions are in the majority of the stores I visit. This is a big change over the last few years.
An example of how Lykke packages one of their "blind date" books.
One-of-a-kind greeting cards at the check out counter.
With Brie, the fine owner at Lykke Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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