Fanfare Books, Stratford, ON Canada
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Ok readers, here’s your trivia question for the day. What author/playwright can you associate with the town Stratford? He’s not contemporary. He’s no longer living (he’d be centuries old if he were). He’s neither from Canada or the US. If you said William Shakespeare you’re right (we would also accept “Bill” Shakespeare. Just humor me, people). Stratford, ON, with its English roots, has totally adopted Shakespeare as part of its culture and history even though he was born in the other Stratford in England. As Owner Bob N. told me, Shakespeare is an anchor for the bookstore and although the local regulars aren’t really into it, the tourists are. And that was exactly what I experienced on my visit. A busy and healthy bookstore crowded with happy tourists in a vibrant downtown retail district filled with the same. If you’re looking for Canadian tourist destinations, put Stratford on your list.
If you’re a Canadian who’s an enthusiastic reader and haven’t been to Fanfare Books, what gives? You’ve had 58 years to find this place and enjoy a great experience. Bob has been owner for 30+ years and the store is perfectly located on Main St. Stratford, surrounded by numerous small businesses. This indie offers all new books along with a few sidelines including calendars, bookmarks, postcards, and puzzles to name a few. When the pandemic hit, the store’s online sales picked up to help carry it through along with puzzle sales. After the pandemic, the in-store shopping resumed and the online sales stayed strong providing excellent business growth. Way to go, Stratford!
The store hosts occasional events and is fortunate to have some good flexibility within the store’s space. Many of the bookshelves and tables in the back half of the store have wheels making them easy to move for events. I especially enjoyed Bob’s story about their event a year ago when they hosted a wedding. As he said, it was very fun. I’ve heard about this happening in a few other bookstores and think this would be an excellent event for any of them to host if they have the space and the logistics.
Anyone who visits Fanfare Books and DOESN’T enjoy meeting Bob and bookseller Ella isn’t trying. What a great dynamic duo! But I bet you Stratford regulars already know this. If you know a Shakespeare fan, bring them here. If you know a book lover, bring them here. If you want to get married, BOOK it here! Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
CURRENTLY READING: Path Lit By Lightning, David Maraniss.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: The Dutchman’s Suitcase, Brad and Elizabeth Seltzer. The Best Laid Plans, Terry Fallis
A healthy inventory of books for outside browsing.
Very attractive display window with an excellent organization.
View looking into the store from the front entrance.
The long wall of books on the right side of the store.
A table display offering all things Shakespeare.
Some classic puzzles AND The Shakespeare game.
I love this display, to the left after entering.
The store is smart to offer postcards with all of their tourist traffic.
Just a few of the books of local and regional interest just inside the front door.
Always check out the sale table.
If you know a Shakespeare fan, you need to tell them about this store.
You can always find unique book displays in independent bookstores.
Head over to the left side of the store for this wall of adventure.
Yes, more Shakespeare.
More Shakespeare.
Overview of the children's area in the back of the store.
View looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance.
The iconic name proudly displayed on the back wall.
With Bob in the center and Ella on the right, two of the fine people you'll meet at Fanfare Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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