Monday, May 13, 2024

The Word House - Winona Lake, IN

The Word House, Winona Lake, IN

(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on X)

Readers, what comes to mind for you when you think of an attic in an old house or building?  Dust, dead flies, cobwebs, and more are what comes to me.  What doesn’t come to mind is what I saw and experienced at The Word House.  This indie is located in an attic that was part of a train station.  If only I could’ve seen the before picture of this beautiful space before Sarah and friends went to work and gave it an incredible makeover.  Everything about this space sparkles.  New carpeting, an attractive paint job, stately columns, and excellent accent lighting have turned this old attic into a space worthy to live in.  My pictures below won't do it justice so that means you’ll just have to visit in person. 

Odin, a terrific bookstore dog. 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after over 500 bookstore visits, it’s always trust the GPS.  This place can be tricky to find and you won’t notice it when you drive by because it is in a building that houses several businesses including the bookstore and the hip coffee shop below the bookstore, Three Crowns Coffee.  Once you find the bookstore, it’s like entering the technicolor part of Wizard of Oz.  Owner Sarah W. offers new and used books and all are on a store inventory.  I’m happy to say that everything is going well since opening 6 months ago.  She’s continually adding more events and she recently held a Taylor Swift listening party/event for her most recent album release.  What a great event idea for any indie.  The store offers a plethora of sidelines including puzzles and stickers as well as other items like unique earrings and something called Old Guy Wood, all created by local artists. 

Nobody will be able to visit The Word House without taking time to meet and greet Odin.  Like so many other bookstores I’ve visited that have a dog on staff, some people will come here simply to visit Odin, a perfectly happy and well-behaved book store ambassador. 

Best of all is the store name.  When Sarah was 12 and went to a writing camp, a teacher told her, don’t ever change your name.  You can do something with that.  She said that stuck with her and as the owner of this new bookstore, Sarah Wordhouse, had the perfect name to start this business that became The Word House (I’m glad her last name wasn’t Beertavern or something similar.  She couldn’t have pulled this off, but I digress).

If you’re in the Winona Lake/Warsaw area the tourists will soon discover this place.  Go now, beat the rush, and trust the GPS.  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir.  

JUST FINISHED:  Carrie, Stephen King.  I've read a few Stephen King books but am not a big follower of his stuff.  I decided I should read this one, his first and arguably one of his best.  The classic story of Carrie, a high school student with telekinetic powers.  She's bullied and usually the butt of all the jokes.  But at the high school prom the jokes go too far and Carrie's pushed to use her destructive powers to help her take revenge.  I never saw the movie but I thought the book was good.  Classic horror. 

CURRENTLY READING:  Hell's Princess, Harold Schechter. 

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  Everything Is An Emergency, Jason Adam Katzenstein.  

This is the Word House entrance, disguised as a furniture depot.  Enter here and you’ll be in Three Crowns Coffee.  Grab a latte, and proceed up the stairs to a beautiful attic bookstore space.  

Directions so simple even I can follow them.  

When you get to the top of the steps, this is what you’ll see.  Xanadu!

View looking to the right as you enter.  Remember, this used to be an ugly duckling attic.  

Around to the left for this cozy setting.  

Partial view of the kid’s area.  Notice the tiny door in the wall.  A perfect space for little readers.  

Looking through the tiny door into the small space.  

Overview of the children's area. 

Nice display of seasonal books. 

Are you kidding me?  Books for 25¢.

Odin's office.  Every good bookseller needs a comfy nap space. 

Looking across the back of the store. 

Antique chandelier that adds to the beautiful store interior. 

Another comfy area to settle in with a book. 

Great table display of popular fantasy books. 

Some of the very cool sidelines created and offered by Olivia's.  Those candied hearts on the left are earrings. 

I don't think I've seen wood conditioner offered at any of my previous 500+ bookstore visits. 

Just a few of the unique earrings available. 

Lots of wonderful stickers to choose from. 

A few of the greeting cards available. 

This is the beautiful area rug you'll see at the top of the stairs as you enter the store. 

The perfect comfortable setting near the back of the store. 

Overview of the store looking toward the stairway that leads downstairs to the coffee shop and then the exit.  I love the columns seen pictured here. 

I always enjoy seeing what the book clubs are reading. 

With Sarah and Odin, the two fine folks you'll meet at The Word House.  Thanks for a great visit. 

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