Antigone Books, Tucson, AZ
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When I began this project, I would bump into people who found out what I was doing and they would give me recommendations or tell me about their favorite bookstore. This happened to me in a bookstore about 400 bookstores ago (Antigone is #534, fyi) when another customer asked me if I'd been to Antigone yet. He strongly suggested that I visit it and this has stuck with me until today. I finally made the visit and now can see why it is such a beloved indie in the Arizona bookstore community. It makes many "best of" lists for Arizona and it definitely deserves more national recognition and acclaim.
This year Antigone (an-TIG-uh-nee) is celebrating its 50th anniversary. By itself, an achievement like this is worthy of attention for any bookstore. It is located in the busy 4th Ave Historic District, a popular retail area and excellent location for foot traffic. The business has been women-owned for almost 5 years by Kate, Morgan, and Melissa. They are continuing the fine Tucson tradition of the bookstore over the past 50 years. A space that offers all new books and a plethora of sidelines, many of which are created locally like unique earrings and greeting cards to name a few. Additionally, they have singularly created works of art, journals, gift bags, quirky socks, uncommon hats, racing babies, and duck feet. The duck feet are selling really well and you'll have to visit the store to see the racing babies for yourself. Honestly, the uniqueness and oddities of sidelines in some indies always amazes me. During the pandemic the store did what so many other indies did to survive by offering online sales and curbside pick-up. The store was very active with events prior to the pandemic and it remains to be seen if live events will resume. Stay tuned.
As with all bookstores I visit the experience of meeting the people remains tops and is never duplicated by shopping online. Bookselllers Park and Sage were fantastic and I was so fortunate to meet Kate, one of the store co-owners.
I know now why Antigone is a destination and if you're one of those in Tucson who hasn't visited yet, move it to the top of your to-do list. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Firekeeper's Daughter, Angeline Boulley. Fictional account of Native American high school kids living in Sault Ste. Marie, MI and the struggle with meth addiction and the mysterious deaths of some of the kids. Lots of Native America terminology and teachings along with the hockey culture in that area of the country. I enjoyed this book, very readable, and a heart-pulsing ending. Recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: Dear County Agent Guy, Jerry Nelson.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Revenge, Yoko Ogawa.
The long storefront and a suggested attitude.
Find your parking right next to the store.
Beautiful mural on the outside of the store.
Look at all that incredible window display space.
View looking into the store after entering and turning left.
Looking width-wise along the store's front.
Check out a few of the recommended books right after you enter.
Recommended non-fiction display.
Just a few of the greeting cards available.
Magnets galore at the front of the store (I meant to do that).
Another sideline I don't recall seeing elsewhere.
Since you'll be getting a gift while you're here you might as well get a gift bag to hold it.
Staff recommendations can be found throughtout the store. Just look for the shelf-talkers, the tabs of paper sticking out of the books.
Staff picks display. How many have you read?
Display of popular regional books.
Greeting cards created by local artists. If you see it in the bookstore and you like it, get it! You won't find it elsewhere.
A nice display of quirky bookstore socks.
The sayings on these oven mitts make the boostore socks look tame.
Finger hands and duck feet for your impulse buy at the checkout counter. I don't understand sidelines!
Relevant display of Black history.
If you need help getting around the area come to this display.
Just a few of the books of local interest.
Partial display of the children's area.
Another view of the children's area.
The store has many book aisles for browsing.
You'll find a variety of t-shirts.
My favorite space in the store. If I were a regular, this is where you'd find me.
Puzzles have been big everywhere.
Paging Sheldon Cooper. Fun With Flags.
Overview of the store looking from the back toward the front entrance.
Get some unique earrings created by a local artist.
With Kate, one of the fine owners at Antigone Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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