Schuler Books & Music, Grand Rapids, MI
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Well, where do I start? As bookseller Tabetha told me, she loves to see the reaction of people who visit the store for the first time. The first thought that sprang to mind when I drove by was a one word description. Behemoth! Large parking lot, not part of a strip mall, a massive, stand alone retailer. If you think it is impressive from the outside, wait until you enter. A one-word adjective that my regular followers know I don't throw around lightly, overwhelming. It resembles a large chain store, but it is definitely an independent bookstore, just MUCH larger. As store manager Lauren told me, they're very much independent and are allowed a freedom of creativity in presenting the store, the sidelines they offer, and their numerous displays. No orders from corporate for this business.
Schuler's just celebrated its 40th anniversary and clearly they have been 40 successful years and in my opinion a bright future ahead. If you can't find something here for yourself and/or someone else you're not trying. They offer both new and used books, shelved separately and you can really find some good bargains. All the used books are cataloged so they know what they have. If you want to bring your books to the store you'll have to make an appointment. In return, you'll receive in-store credit or cash value. As for the sidelines, it would be a shorter list if I told you what they don't have. Gift items galore, goofy socks, candles, winter accessories, ear buds, music on vinyl, stickers all over the place, and a line of Baggallini. And this is just the tip of the sidelines iceberg. As Lauren told me, this place is one-stop shopping which is why she enjoys the holiday season so much and they have such good business during that time of year. Despite all this and an incredible cafe, the books remain the prime focus here.
This is an independent bookstore that enjoys two other Michigan locations and a third on the way. The large main floor has an equal sized lower level that includes warehouse space and an assortment of offices. Counting the cafe, booksellers, and lower level offices, this indie employs 70ish employees at this site alone.
But it doesn't matter how big the store is, Lauren and the staff are just as friendly as any other indie you visit. This brief blurb and pictures won't capture the true enormity and personal attention of this wonderful store so you will have to visit and find out for yourself. Schuler's, here's to another 40 years and hoping you never lose sight of your independent bookstore roots. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
CURRENTLY READING: Thunderstruck, Erik Larson.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: You're An Animal, Viskovitz. Alessandro Boffa. Are You Listening, Tillie Walden.
The enormity of the store's space is astounding. And they've got the parking lot to handle the customers too. |
Outside seating for the cafe on nice days.
The store's entryway is crammed full of inventory including some terrific bargain buys.
Both sides of the entryway are packed.
Cue the heavenly chorus as you look into the store from the front entrance. If you've never been here before, count on being overwhelmed and indecisive about where to begin.
Looking to the left from the front entrance.
Looking to the right from the front entrance. Go this direction as far as you can and you can start your day in the cafe.
Schuler swag display table just inside the store.
As you head to the right you come across cafe seating before you even get to the cafe. Fantastic!
Looking into the spacious main seating area of the cafe.
I haven't heard of Schleich but if you have a kid who loves animals, it looks like they're all here.
Who knew ukuleles came in so many colors!
Calendars for all interests and activities.
Just like everything else, volumes of journals to suit any style.
Wide variety of magazines.
If knitting is your thing they have you covered.
Just a few of the banned books offered.
The store offers new and used books. Ask about their policy for taking your used books.
A fraction of the greeting cards available.
Ask Lauren about her favorite book and she'll show you this quote from The Book Thief. Highly recommended if you haven't read it yet.
An obvious award-winning store.
I can't believe all the socks they have in the store and these are only a few.
Get your socks and then get your winter slippers. Incredible.
The few stores I've been to that offer a line of Baggallini have told me that these sell well.
I always enjoy discovering what the local reading groups and book clubs are reading.
Yes please.
Overview of the children's area.
Whoever your team is, they've got you covered.
Lots of gift ideas.
Unbelievable variety of stickers.
Overview of a large area of used fiction.
Staff picks can be found throughout the store.
The music portion of the business has transitioned over time. This is a portion of the music on vinyl.
Is there no end to the sidelines?!
A wide open area for events.
The store has many options for events. This room is in the back of the store.
Of course they have games.
Head to the back left of the store and enjoy this calm area to read and browse.
Good grief they even carry ear buds. I can see why Lauren calls this bookstore a one-stop shopping trip. They have something for everyone.
One of the many book nooks on the left side of the store.
More staff picks. So impressive.
With Lauren, the fine manager at Schuler Books & Music. Thanks for a great visit.
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