Naughty Dog Books, Nashville, IN
(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on Twitter)
"Hey Indie Bob, what gives? You made a mistake!" No, no I didn't. "Yes you did. You already did a bookstore in Nashville, this must be a rerun." No, it isn't. Nashville, IN has two independent bookstores. "What? In a town of 1500? Yeah right." Well, my skeptical friend, they most certainly do have two bookstores and both are worthy of acknowledgement and recognition. My only regret at this terrific store was not getting to meet the naughty dog, who evidently really is naughty.
Like so many other bookstore owners I've met, co-owners Tarin (mother) and Shelby (daughter) come to this business from teaching and law, respectively. When a local bookstore (you mean Nashville has another?!) closed, Tarin was the encouragement that moved the pair to opening an independent bookstore. The result? A fabulous indie offering all new books and a wide variety of sidelines in a historical building that began life as a bank in the early 1900s.
Naughty Dog Books has been open for about two years and they are enjoying a successful start. They have a great downtown location surrounded by a variety of many small businesses, all doing well because of so many tourists. As Tarin told me, she thinks 90+% of their business is with tourists. They are also having success with sidelines like puzzles, stickers, and even dog treats with literary names like Edgar Allan Pug's. They're also having a great response to a subscription books service that they mail out to customers. Think of it as a gift box that includes a book, various sidelines and stickers related to the book, and maybe even a piece of chocolate. Follow them on Instagram so you know when these are offered.
Best of all for me is meeting people like Tarin and Eleni. These two couldn't have been more welcoming and interesting to meet and visit with. In addition to selling books you'll see Eleni's touch throughout the store thanks to her artistic talent. You'll even find some of her talent on the greeting cards just inside the front door.
So my skeptical reader, NOW do you believe me? "By jove Indie Bob, you've done it again!" Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: The Lincoln Highway, Amor Towles. An American adventure set in the 1950s. Two brothers, 18 and 8, are alone after their father has died. All they have is each other, so they decide to set off from Nebraska to California in search of their mother who left them years earlier. Includes a memorable cast of characters they meet along the way, some good and some bad. I loved this one. Highly recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: Maybe I'll Pitch Forever, Leroy (Satchel) Paige.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Hide, Kiersten White. Edgar Allan Pug's dog treats. Not purchased, but gifted: My very own Naughty Dog Books t-shirt. Thanks Tarin.
This beautiful historic storefront began life as a bank in the early 1900s.
Clever, very clever.
I love the artistry on the display window.
View looking into the store from the front entrance.
Attractive table display front and center.
Looking to the right from the front entrance.
Below the Naughty Dog Books sign is the vault of the old bank.
Pick out your Naughty Dog souvenir, displayed just inside the front door.
Ask Eleni about these greeting cards she created.
Look for this bargain bin if you're on a budget.
I absolutely love this. If you know anyone who had a 2022 baby, get them this!
Always one of my favorite promotions, blind date with a book.
One of the blind date books offered.
Attractive message chalk board.
This is one of the subscription book gift boxes mentioned in the above article. I think this is a great idea.
I've learned from this journey that dog lovers and book lovers are often the same people.
A splendid wall of non-fiction.
Entrance to the bank vault where you'll find true crime.
Inside the vault.
This is the hallway on the left side of the store. Follow it to the back room and circle around through the back of the store.
A couple of great places to sit and sample a book in the back room.
More browsing throughout the store and in this back room.
This is the back of the store and behind the vault, home of the children's section.
The perfect place for two little readers.
Some of the featured selections in the children's area.
Lots of staff recommendations with the use of shelf talkers, the tabs of paper displayed from the shelves.
Sounds good to me.
Overview of the store's cozy front area looking from the back.
See that shirt I'm wearing? You can get a Naughty Dog shirt just like mine! With Eleni on the left and Tarin on the right, two of the fine people you'll meet at Naughty Dog Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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