Bookhunters New & Used Books, Batavia, IL
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Followers of this blog know of the many stories I've shared about bookstore owners and what they did before the bookstore business. Vicki A. co-owns this store with husband Derrick but she is the main presence. I can't spin a tale about her former life because before this store she was in, TA-DA, the bookstore business! It seems like this must've been her destiny since she grew up in a home in Tennessee where books were valued and important. Her dad had a bookstore in Johnson City, TN for 50 years called Moody Books. With a connection like this, it's easy to see how Vicki came to a love for books and the bookstore business.
For first time visitors, this store can be a little tricky to find. Vicki's advice to those people is to know that Bookhunters is in a strip right next door to Trader Joe's. There is so much customer traffic in and out of Trader Joe's that this has been a plus for the Bookhunters location. As for me, I've been on this journey a long time and I've learned to trust the GPS voice that tells me where to go.
This long and lengthy bookstore space is home to 20,000+ books. You'll find new and used books here and customers can bring their books in for cash. The business has been around for about 20 years but less than 6 months at this location. The cookbook inventory is especially strong and can be found right in the front of the store. They also have many autographed books and signed 1st editions. I'm really impressed with the store's success and longevity because they've done it all with no sidelines, 100% books. Online sales for the store during the shut down were outstanding and made a big difference. Those sales have declined slightly now but foot traffic is obviously improved.
And that's where you come in, Batavia. This is a terrific store with an enthusiastic owner yet some of you are unaware of this new location. This store needs your patronage to continue its growth and maintain its presence. If you're a regular, keep returning and bring a friend or relative with you. Never underestimate the importance of an independent bookstore in your community. There are may other towns that would love to have something like Bookhunters in their area. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: The Silent Patient, Alex Michaelides. This is a psychological thriller about a talented woman artist who unexplainably murders her husband. And nobody really knows why because after the murder she never talks again. Or does she? A page-turner with an unbelievable ending. Recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Not purchased, but gifted. The Actual, Saul Bellow. Thanks Vicki.
Beautiful day to visit a bookstore.
You can browse the bargains before you even walk through the door.
The store front window sparkles on a day like this.
View looking into the store from the front entrance.
Timely seasonal table display just inside the entrance.
You'll find many leather-bound classics near the front entrance. These make great gifts.
Looking directly to the right after entering you'll find signed 1st editions.
The table displays in the store are beautiful.
Through the center aisle of the store you'll find some wonderful ceiling decorations.
One of the many book nooks.
You'll find table displays throughout the store.
Vicki and Derrick have done a super job of decorating throughout the store.
I love seeing these in bookstores to help customers browse above eye level.
Just a few of the philosophy books offered.
Around the store you'll find author bios displayed on the ends of the book nooks like this one about Edgar Allan Poe.
Partial view of the children's section.
The perfect seat for a little reader.
Super heroes are readers.
You can find bargain books in almost any bookstore.
Overview of the bookstore looking from the back toward the front entrance.
Always ask if you're interested in buying an autographed book.
Most bookstores offer gift certificates and I always think this is one of the best gifts to give.
A great cookbook section located near the front of the store.
Independent bookstores are always strong community members. Way to go Bookhunters.
With Vicki, the fine owner at Bookhunters New & Used Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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