Harper's Books, Lebanon, TN
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This store is a true success story of resilience, perseverance, and overcoming multiple adversities that would have wiped out other bookstores. Many indies had to bear up through a debilitating pandemic but Harper's Books had a little bit more than just that. Before the pandemic took off, Lebanon and Harper's had to recover and survive a tornado. Then the real back-breaker was a flood 5 months ago that essentially shut down the store. Eight inches of water throughout the store destroying books and shelving. The woodwork flooring had to be ripped out, four industrial-sized dehumidifiers were brought in and owner Rob K., his sympathetic landlord, and a core of regular customers from the community fought back. Closed for over two months with no sales or income, they rallied. The Book Industry Charitable Foundation (BINC) came through with a grant to provide partial relief. Another independent bookstore sent them a generous check (this does not surprise me at all). A go-fund-me page was started. With this help and that of countless others I don't even know about, Harper's Books is back on its feet, up and running since early June. Bookstores who find themselves facing long odds on the path to success, take heart. This store, owner, and community is your example. If it can be done here, it can be done anywhere. Way to go, Lebanon!
This heroic bookstore offers mostly used books with a few new. There are some sidelines here including bookstore candles, 3-d bookmarks, and finger puppets for the kids to name a few but it is mostly about the books. Pre-flood the store hosted 4 book clubs, one each week of the month. They're on hold for the moment but Rob told me many of those members are anxious to resume. The pictures below will be somewhat dated since the store will be receiving new shelves that will be arranged in the middle of the store. I thought romance and mystery/thrillers were particularly strong genres here.
Despite all of these setbacks, I could sense that Rob has an optimism which surely must be an important part of their successful recovery. You wouldn't know he'd been through all of this with the enthusiasm he shared with me about the store and himself. Congrats Rob.
Hey Lebanon, Harper's Books is open again and its time to get back there. You got them through the hard part. The easy part is your return to browsing books. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: All True Not a Lie In It, Alix Hawley. Fictionalized biography of Daniel Boone but there are certainly threads of truth with some of the important people and places. Travel with the American Frontiersman, other explorers like him, and his family through the wilderness and the challenge of overcoming hunger, sickness, Indians, freezing weather and everything else imaginable.
CURRENTLY READING: The Bridge, Karen Kingsbury.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Dakota, Martha Grimes.
Survived and back open again! Great window mural.
View looking straight into the store from the front entrance.
Looking to the right from the front entrance.
Yes, you'll need this.
A variety of tote bags available.
Two great chairs in the front of the store to have a seat and sample a book.
Many indies offer lithograph prints, or reproductions of books, to create works of art like this.
I love this very bookish bookstore clock.
Kids will love the finger puppets.
New book bargains.
Go to this wall on the left side of the store and start shopping.
One for you and one for you!
A portion of the children's items in the back of the store.
The side nook on the way to the back of the store.
Lots of children's items in the back room.
Overview of the store looking from the back toward the front entrance.
If you know any Rafael Sabatini fans, send them here.
Send the Game Of Thrones fans here too.
With Rob on the left, the fine owner at Harper's Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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