Face In A Book, El Dorado Hills, CA
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Face In A Book has been in business for about 9 years but it feels so much newer due to the store's beautiful and creatively designed interior. My pictures below really won't do it justice. It's located in the El Dorado Hills Town Center, an upscale residential and retail area thick with customers by foot traffic or car. Sporting goods, shoes, coffee shops, movie theaters, restaurants, bike shops, and boutique shops are all present here and of course a wonderful independent bookstore.
If there were awards shows for bookstore interior design, Face In A Book should be a nominee. Beautiful signage appropriate and attractive light fixtures, and special books display lighting below the checkout counter are just part of the store's attraction. Store owner Tina F. has done a fantastic job of creating an inviting bookstore space. Within this wonderful space you'll find two rooms filled with all new books and numerous sidelines. Wacky bookstore socks, jewelry, skin care, greeting cards, journals, and Natural Life products can all be found here. Amber, a bookseller, told me that the earrings and greeting cards sell especially well.
I was so happy to hear that Face In A Book got through the pandemic reasonably well, a sentiment shared with me by other bookstores in my recent travels. As with other bookstore survivors, Face In a Book was able to sustain due to those devoted regulars who boosted their online orders. And now the store begins the slow process of restoring a schedule that was in place pre-pandemic. As with many others, events are slow to resume but when they do, you'll hopefully see the resumption of multiple book clubs (impressive), a story time in a beautiful children's area, and maybe even their reading with dogs events.
I didn't get to meet Tina on this visit but I was so glad I got to meet Amber while I was there. Such a super bookseller who so patiently allowed me to jabber way while she filled me in on everything about the store I asked her about.
Surely, EVERYONE has to go to the El Dorado Town Center for something, right? Now when you do you can put one more stop on your list. Stop in to Face In A Book and enjoy some time in your fabulous El Dorado Hills bookstore. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Intimacies, Katie Kitamura. A woman with a gift for languages moves to The Hague to work in the international court. Her life becomes a series of episodes professionally, personally, and romantically. She must decide how to move on in all three areas. The author is clearly gifted but I found the book dull.
CURRENTLY READING: Let Me Tell You What I Mean, Joan Didion.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Bring Me Back, B.A. Paris.
One of the beautiful views you'll see at the El Dorado Town Center.
Beautiful storefront on a beautiful day.
Lots of display window space.
Kindness always.
Shopping for bargains on the outside.
View looking into the store from the front entrance. As you proceed forward to the back, you can enter another room on the right.
Looking to the left from the front entrance.
Display just straight ahead inside the entrance.
Directly to the right from the front entrance.
Relevant summer reading display in the front of the store.
Belly up to the bar and check out a few staff picks.
More staff picks.
I love the Face In A Book sign. Also, notice the decorative genre signs in the pictures.
Earrings are one of the popular sidelines.
This display offers a variety of jewelry.
Sideline bargains.
Some of the Indie Next List recommendations. Look for the Indie Next List monthly flyer in your favorite independent bookstore.
Partial view of the children's area.
A variety of Natural Life items are offered.
Go to the back of the store, turn right, and enter an entirely new room filled with books.
Skin care products available here.
In this extra room, notice how these books are highlighted below the counter with their own lighting. I'm not sure I've seen this elsewhere. Beautiful
The variety of sidelines offered here are outstanding.
Just a few of the wacky bookstore socks available.
If you're vacationing, grab a guidebook.
Not only a good place to sit, but a good space for storage. Smart and practical
View from the back of the store looking toward the front entrance.
This is the checkout counter which also has individual books highlighted with special lighting.
With Amber, one of the fine staffers you'll meet at Face In A Book. Thanks for a great visit.
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