Friday, September 20, 2024

Words Worth Books - Waterloo, ON Canada

Words Worth Books, Waterloo, ON Canada

 (Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on X)

Before Words Worth Books, co-owner David W.’s background was in a used book store.  If he wants to venture beyond the bookstore business he might have a future in comedy.  A really funny and fun guy and the type of person you’d want to go have a beer with at the end of the day.  And I can say that with so many more people I’ve met along this journey.  Besides this, he’s a very knowledgeable owner and can talk books with the best (unless you’re an enthusiastic sci-fi reader and then you need to talk to John, one of the Words Worth booksellers).

As David and John both told me, this is pretty much a straight-forward and general fiction bookstore.  As John said, they don't carry a lot of the fluff-fluff foo-foo stuff.  However, they do have a few sidelines including greeting cards, journals, calendars, and book tote bags to name a few.  They also had a fine assortment of magazines and periodicals.  As with many other indies, if you can’t visit in-person and want to support them consider going to their website and placing an order online.  I was happy to hear that the business was going well despite the challenging rent. 

This bookstore has been around for 40 years and needs to be recognized for its success over the years.  In those 40 years, David and wife Molly are the 2nd owners of the business with its super location in uptown Waterloo.  There is also a public transportation line that goes right by the store and should help people looking to snag that and visit Words Worth.  Recognition of the store’s success involves visiting, browsing, and maybe find something for yourself or a friend.  In this largely populated region, I’m sure there are many who’ve yet to discover this gem.  CanLit is strong here as are books published by small presses, something I could tell David takes pride in.  

This is why I visit bookstores.  To share, promote, and selfishly meet the infinite number of wonderful people who all make your experience worth it.  Or maybe I should say, Words WORTH it.  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir.

CURRENTLY READING:  Path Lit By Lightning, David Maraniss. 

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  The Rasmussen Papers, Connie Gault.  


Browse the table on the sidewalk and browse the terrific window display. 

View looking into the store from the front entrance. 

Just inside the store and looking to the left. 

I love this mural just inside the front door. 

Follow ALL of your favorite bookstores on whatever social media they use. 

Attractive display of popular Canadian novelist and poet, Jane Urquhart. 

View looking toward the left and front of the store. 

I strongly urge you to get one of these hip tote bags for the books you'll be buying. 

A variety of journals are offered. 

I think I would recommend this book even if you're not in a craft club. 

The left side of the store and a wall of books await your adventure. 

Just a few of the books offered by Canadian authors. 

Nice display of new releases toward the center of the store. 

A great YA section. 

Just a few of the staff picks. 

A good assortment of magazines. 

I love it when I see music instruction offered in a bookstore. 

An impressive display of cookbooks. 

Partial view of the children's area. 

Partial overview of the children's area. 

A wonderful quote beautifully displayed. 

A perfect fort underneath the tree mural for any little reader. 

Great picture of the impressive tree mural.  Congrats to the artist who created this. 

View of the store looking from the back toward the front entrance. 

With John on the left and David in the center, two of the fine people you'll meet at Words Worth Books.  Thanks for a great visit.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fanfare Books - Stratford, ON Canada

Fanfare Books, Stratford, ON Canada

(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on X)

Ok readers, here’s your trivia question for the day.  What author/playwright can you associate with the town Stratford?  He’s not contemporary.  He’s no longer living (he’d be centuries old if he were).  He’s neither from Canada or the US.  If you said William Shakespeare you’re right (we would also accept “Bill” Shakespeare.  Just humor me, people).  Stratford, ON, with its English roots, has totally adopted Shakespeare as part of its culture and history even though he was born in the other Stratford in England.  As Owner Bob N. told me, Shakespeare is an anchor for the bookstore and although the local regulars aren’t really into it, the tourists are.  And that was exactly what I experienced on my visit.  A busy and healthy bookstore crowded with happy tourists in a vibrant downtown retail district filled with the same.  If you’re looking for Canadian tourist destinations, put Stratford on your list.

If you’re a Canadian who’s an enthusiastic reader and haven’t been to Fanfare Books, what gives?  You’ve had 58 years to find this place and enjoy a great experience.  Bob has been owner for 30+ years and the store is perfectly located on Main St. Stratford, surrounded by numerous small businesses.  This indie offers all new books along with a few sidelines including calendars, bookmarks, postcards, and puzzles to name a few.  When the pandemic hit, the store’s online sales picked up to help carry it through along with puzzle sales.  After the pandemic, the in-store shopping resumed and the online sales stayed strong providing excellent business growth.  Way to go, Stratford!

The store hosts occasional events and is fortunate to have some good flexibility within the store’s space.  Many of the bookshelves and tables in the back half of the store have wheels making them easy to move for events.  I especially enjoyed Bob’s story about their event a year ago when they hosted a wedding.  As he said, it was very fun.  I’ve heard about this happening in a few other bookstores and think this would be an excellent event for any of them to host if they have the space and the logistics.  

Anyone who visits Fanfare Books and DOESN’T enjoy meeting Bob and bookseller Ella isn’t trying.  What a great dynamic duo!  But I bet you Stratford regulars already know this.  If you know a Shakespeare fan, bring them here.  If you know a book lover, bring them here.  If you want to get married, BOOK it here!  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir. 

CURRENTLY READING:  Path Lit By Lightning, David Maraniss.  

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  The Dutchman’s Suitcase, Brad and Elizabeth Seltzer.  The Best Laid Plans, Terry Fallis  

A healthy inventory of books for outside browsing. 

Very attractive display window with an excellent organization. 

View looking into the store from the front entrance. 

The long wall of books on the right side of the store. 

A table display offering all things Shakespeare. 

Some classic puzzles AND The Shakespeare game. 

I love this display, to the left after entering. 

The store is smart to offer postcards with all of their tourist traffic. 

Just a few of the books of local and regional interest just inside the front door. 

Always check out the sale table. 

If you know a Shakespeare fan, you need to tell them about this store. 

You can always find unique book displays in independent bookstores. 

Head over to the left side of the store for this wall of adventure. 

Yes, more Shakespeare. 

More Shakespeare. 

Overview of the children's area in the back of the store. 

View looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance. 

The iconic name proudly displayed on the back wall.

With Bob in the center and Ella on the right, two of the fine people you'll meet at Fanfare Books.  Thanks for a great visit. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Attic Books - London, ON Canada

Attic Books, London, ON Canada

(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on Twitter)

If you know someone, pass this along. 

Not only is Attic Books an excellent used book store, it’s also an opportunity waiting for the right entrepreneur.  Have you ever thought about opening your own bookstore?  Or maybe you want to increase your inventory?  Maybe your challenge is just finding enough books to get started?  This bookstore has an entire level of books waiting for your bookstore ownership.  Attic Books is willing to sell you their entire basement of books to make your dream come true.  My observation of the particular inventory is that it is kept up neatly and well-organized, definitely not smelly or damp, and LOTS of fantastic titles I recognized.  I’ll never open a bookstore but if I were, this would be a great start.

That basement inventory is part of 250,000+ books (after talking to booksellers Abigail and Trinity, I think this estimate is conservative).  Attic Books sells almost all used books spread out over four levels but the 3rd floor is the online inventory and not open to in-person shopping.  If you’re looking for bargains, the basement is the place to go.  But honestly, bargains can be found on the main floor and 2nd floor as well.  Books are accepted from customers by appointment only on Fridays or Saturdays.  They can receive store credit or cash in return for the books the store takes.  There are a few sidelines here like greeting cards, post cards, and some unique art but other than that this is mostly about the books.  However, there are many antiques and curiosities for sale and they can be found as you browse throughout the store.  I thought this part of the business was impressive and thoroughly enjoyed seeing these many antiquities, all appearing to be in excellent condition.  

Attic Books has been in business for about 48 years and now located in a historic building in the Dundas Place area of downtown London.  Marvin P. has been the only owner for all these years and although I didn’t get to meet him during my visit, the store was well cared for by the booksellers I met.  Abigail, Trinity, Robert, and Alissa were terrific and I’m sure regular customers can back me up on this .  I was so glad to hear from them that the business is continuing to do very well.  

What else?  Well, there may or may not be a ghost in this building dating back to 1880.  So if you smell some tobacco smoke, sharpen those intuitive senses!  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir.  

JUST FINISHED:  The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence.  Canadian author who depicts the long life of Hagar Currie Shipley, growing up in an isolated Canadian region and the challenges that come with it.  Author is renowned as an accomplished writer and I think her writing is excellent, but, meh.  Didn't grab me. 

CURRENTLY READING:  Path Lit By Lightning, David Maraniss. 

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  In God We Trust, Jean Shepherd. 


If you see banners like this, keep your eyes open for the bookstore. 

The historic building of Attic Books in downtown London.

Let the browsing begin. 

Perched high above the storefront, this gargoyle is forever reading and keeping watch. 

One of the display windows in the store entryway. 

View looking into the store from the front entrance. 

Yes, their James Patterson inventory is healthy. 

From the gargoyle on the outside to this crime fighter on the inside, Attic Books is well protected. 

I told you. 

Variety of unique greeting cards. 

Go ahead, take a chance. 

I didn't get to meet owner Marvin P. but I did see his likeness artistically recreated and displayed in the store.  Excellent work by the artist. 

One of the several nooks on the main floor. 

Books destined for the shelves and waiting for you. 

A wide assortment of the "big little books", popular with children in the early and mid 20th century. 

The store offers many vintage and collectible editions. 

Overview of the children's area. 

A sampling of the music available here. 

Lots of Canadian interests and authors. 

Visual confirmation of something that can't be found on Amazon.  Yes, the bathroom. 

The long view looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance. 

Overview of the basement looking toward the left after descending. 

Another view of the basement level. 

Browse the wall of greeting cards on your way upstairs to the 2nd floor. 

Where else can you find cards like this but at an independent bookstore?!

Overview of the 2nd floor.  Curious readers might recognize the customer pondering her next book purchase, Indie Bob Spot field agent, Michelle T. 

Overview of the 2nd floor. 

As Abigail told me, the store is drowning in mysteries. 

Even if you don't read pulp fiction, the covers are always fun to see. 

Overview of the front half of the 2nd floor. 

Antique hunters will enjoy browsing here as much as book lovers. 

With Abigail in the center and Trinity on the right, two of the fine booksellers you'll meet at Attic Books.  Thanks for a great visit.