Bound To Happen, Stevens Point, WI
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It was bound to happen (sorry, I couldn’t resist) that sooner or later I would stumble into Bound To Happen. I’ve been following them for 2+ years ever since they opened and because of this I KNEW I wouldn’t be disappointed. But what I didn’t know was how much fun it would be to meet co-owner Lin C. and bookseller Taylor L. Bound To Happen regulars know what I’m talking about and the experience of browsing and chatting here is so much better than getting that book from the online discount site!
Since the store’s opening it has come a long way. Instead of sharing a business space on one-level with only new books, it now has two levels of new and used books with all the new books on the main floor and all the used books in the lower basement level. Used books are accepted as donations only and the proceeds of their sales go to benefit the local schools. If you can’t visit in person go to the store’s website and make your online purchase there, a great way to support this indie. However, visiting in-person allows you to enjoy their perfect location in the heart of downtown Stevens Point. The sidelines are varied and numerous including greeting cards, locally and uniquely created mugs, bookstore candles, stationery supplies, and of course stickers to name only a few.
Bound To Happen offers occasional events and one of their most successful ones is the Boozy Book Fair, held a few times a year. They meet at a local brewery/bar, provide a sampling of books for purchase, and drink beer. I know there are some indies that do something similar but this seems like a super idea. Lin told me that the last time they did this it was so well-attended that they didn’t have enough seats.
Lin co-owns the bookstore along with Nicole and Rachel. Thankfully, I was able to meet Lin who just returned from this year’s Winter Institute held in Cincinnati. If you’re an owner or bookseller and have never been to Winter Institute, talk to Lin for a full endorsement for all the ideas you’ll bring back to your store. For the regulars and newbies who visit Bound To Happen, you’ll be the lucky ones to enjoy the years ahead at this wonderful independent bookstore. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Lean On Pete, Willy Vlautin. A 15-year old kid should never have to go through what Charley Thompson is enduring. Living on the edge with no mother, an often absent father, little to eat, no money, and finally homelessness leading to a search for a remote relative to help him. His survival includes removing a horse from an abusive situation and caring for him throughout. Incredible story that is on the sad side but extremely readable from an author that I thoroughly enjoy. Recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and The American Struggle, Jon Meacham.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and The American Struggle, Jon Meacham.
I love sidewalk signs like this.
Bound To Happen has large window displays and this is just one of them.
View looking into the store from the front entrance.
Looking to the right from the front entrance.
Just a few of the staff picks to the left after entering the store.
Stickers are hot almost everywhere I visit and you'll find a wide variety at the checkout counter.
A few of the sidelines including mugs and candles to name just a few.
These mugs really caught my eye. Not only unique but created locally. If you see it in a bookstore and you like it, GET IT! It will be difficult to find it anywhere else.
Not familiar. Anybody tried this yet?
Just a few of the greeting cards available.
Sale cart near the front entrance.
Head over to the left side of the store for these genres.
One of the many book nooks in the store.
I've enjoyed discovering many good Wisconsin authors on my journey.
Timely and relevant display.
A great place to get comfy with a book.
Heading toward the children's area.
Partial view of the attractive children's area.
I love this mural in the back of the store in the children's area.
These book lights have been popular sellers.
Looking into the lower level. You'll find mostly used books here.
Neatly arranged shelves, clearly marked genres, and excellent lighting.
A comfy little chair for a little reader in the children's section.
Overview of the lower level. Some basements are dingy, but not this one! Nice job!
Get'em while they last.
With Lin on the right, one of the fine co-owners at Bound To Happen. Thanks for a great visit.