Cincy Book Bus, Cincinnati, OH |
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Readers, many of you have followed this journey for a long time. I can guarantee that none of my previous 391 visits are anything like this one. You see, this indie isn't really a brick and mortar. It's more like a metal and rubber. Melanie M. has grabbed an idea that ignited and is now catching fire in Cincinnati. I'm pretty sure there may be other similar business models around the country, but not many. Seriously, how many 1962 VW trucks do you see driving around that have been retro-fitted to sell books?
Like many, Melanie retired from a career in teaching and pondered the next chapter of her future. As she sipped her tea one morning, she gazed at her husband Tony's 1962 VW truck in their driveway. The spark ignited and since November 2018, the Cincy Book Bus has become a novel presence in the area. If you're at a festival, community event, or farmer's market, you'll likely see Melanie and the Cincy Book Bus. The van can hold about 150 books, mostly adult fiction, and Melanie has a solid philosophy and mission curating an inventory of books that might not be on the NY Times bestseller list or found at the local grocery store. As she told me, she wants the customer to discover and experience something that may not be found elsewhere. Best of all, she uses some of the profits to provide for local schools in low-income attendance centers, some of which don't even have a library. This is so indie. Nice job Melanie.
In its former life, the Cincy Book Bus was a one-ton work truck on a Colorado cherry farm. Before husband Tony bought it, it didn't even run. But one of Tony's talents is fixing up VWs so one purchased part later, Tony had it running and it becomes the equivalent of a rescued dog from the animal shelter. Car people will appreciate the fact that this 1962 model has had no body work done, still in its original form. Now, the Cincy Book Bus lives a happy life selling books and drawing honks and waves as it drives through the area neighborhoods. After all, who DOESN'T like the idea of a book bus?!
Melanie has a nose for buying books at a discount and then offering them for sale. She'll find them anywhere she can. Private sales, other bookstores, and travels abroad where she discovers the ones we may not find here.
So, how can you find the Cincy Book Bus? Give it a follow on Facebook and you'll be able to keep up with its schedule. What about winter months? Find it at various coffeeshops where Melanie brings the books right into the store.
The best experience with the Cincy Book Bus is meeting Melaine and hearing her story. She is the perfect person and the perfect fit for this incredible story. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
CURRENTLY READING: A Woman Of No Importance, Sonia Purnell.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Not purchased but gifted, a really cool Book Bus t-shirt. Thanks Melanie.
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