Purple Tree Books, Cheboygan, MI |
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Several years ago, Cheboygan, MI found a void in its community when the owners of the Log Mark, a 40-year established bookstore, decided to retire. Cheboygan finally found its savior to fill that void a couple of years later when Emily C. founded Purple Tree Books. Now 4 years later, Purple Tree Books is showing business growth and is the emerging presence that Log Mark provided for many years.
This was the challenge before traveling to Purple Tree Books. "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays The Indie Bob Spot from the swift completion of his appointed bookstores." |
Emily named her bookstore Purple Tree Books as a way to recognize and raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis, a disease that her 8-year old niece Evie battles, but is now doing quite well. Since purple is the color for Cystic Fibrosis, Emily used that in the name of her bookstore and as the color trim of her store. Many bookstores adopt worthy social causes but Emily takes this to a new level. What a wonderful gesture by Evie's aunt!
Purple Tree has a great location on the main street in downtown Cheboygan. It occupies the same space of the previous bookstore, in a historic building that was built in 1904. The store offers both new and used books and they're shelved together throughout the store. Customers receive store credit for the books they bring in but Emily is particular about the books she'll take. There are a mixture of sidelines including greeting cards, boxed sets of cards, soaps, and journals to name just a few. There is also a cafe coffee shop right in the store that is very nice and an important part of the business. This has recently been added the last two years.
Obviously, in this town of approximately 4800, it takes more than their devoted regulars to sustain the business. Fortunately, Cheboygan enjoys a dynamic tourist season in the summers which is a huge part of the customer base. Hopefully, a few tourists find their way to this article and discover the bookstore. And the parking is easy here, free and right on the street (I NEVER underestimate this on bookstore visits).
What I know about Cheboygan is they are good people. Emily felt welcomed here 4 years ago and they're supporting an important business that many larger towns would love to have. And if she doesn't have it in the store she can order it for you, just like any other bookstore. Keep it up, Cheboygan. If you haven't been here yet, make sure you check this one out. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
Lilac Girls, Martha Hall Kelly.
Purple Tree store front. Notice that here in Cheboygan, the flowers are blooming and the sidewalk is dry and clear. |
View looking into the bookstore from the front entrance. Discerning readers may recognize the celebrity in the foreground heading into the store. Yes, that's my mom. |
Display of books by Michigan authors. |
Looking to the left from the front entrance you'll see a beautiful mural above the bookshelves. |
Grab a coffee and browse some books. |
A great place to sit in the front of the store where you can sip your coffee and play some checkers. What a great space. |
I love that this store has a lot of great places to sit. |
If you're a tourist, don't leave the store without getting a Michigan postcard to send to friends. |
Another wonderful space for groups to sit and talk about their next book club selection. |
Looking into the children's area. |
A great cause and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. |
Lots of things to pick from in the cafe area. |
A partial view of the cafe area. You can sit here to enjoy your coffee or find another place around the store. You have lots of options. |
A variety of sidelines on this table display. |
Many bookstores I visit have some great quotes on the walls. |
A few of the unique greeting cards available. |
If you're on a budget, look for this book cart. |
View looking from the back of the store toward the front entrance. |
A nice long wall of bookshelves loaded with books. |
An assortment of magazines and newspapers located near the front of the store. |
With Emily, the fine owner at Purple Tree Books. Thanks for a great visit. |
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