Second Star To The Right, Denver, CO |
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Readers, the one thing we all know is none of us can pick our parents. If I were to compare this to bookstores, they don't get to pick their "parents" either. But if ever there were two "parents" that are a perfect fit for a children's bookstore, it's Marc and Dea L. at Second Star To The Right in Denver. Just imagine taking an elementary school teacher and a 3rd grade teacher and putting them in charge of a children's bookstore and that's what you've got here. This husband and wife team retired from teaching and then put their skills to good use by starting what is now an award-winning Denver bookstore. And from everything I could observe, the accolades are well-deserved.
This store is located on the very busy Tennyson St. area surrounded by multiple businesses up and down. It took me awhile to get into the store though because of everything to see on the outside before entering. Lots of displays, signs, flowers and nature, and an attractive front porch. The perfect set-up for entering a large, historic house absolutely bursting with books and toys. The store has multiple rooms all on one-level offering mostly new books and some used covering all children age ranges. And of course lots of toys. I don't know how kids don't just go crazy when they come here (Buffy, a staffer and book buyer confirmed to me that indeed they do). If the kids aren't overwhelmed enough, there is a daily story time and on Wednesdays there are two. On the day of my visit, this was being held outside in a perfect back yard setting.
Owners Marc and Dea, along with Buffy are the rock stars here along with the rest of the staff. The store has been so successful that they've outgrown their 700 square foot space. Because of this they're looking to move sometime after the holidays. Bad news for the devoted customers in their neighborhood but good news for all the new customers who will discover this store and also good news to be able to expand their space and offer more inventory. As Marc told me, he thought that he and Dea had a good handle on children's lit but their opening 3 1/2 years ago came with an explosion of children's publications that continue to this day.
In addition to these wonderful people and their terrific store, the other reason to visit is to see Chewbacca, the dog bookseller. This guy has the perfect personality for a children's bookstore and his calm and docile demeanor has even helped children who have a fear of dogs. Basically, they have everything covered at this winning children's bookstore. Pay them a visit you won't regret. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
CURRENTLY READING: Forsaken, Ross Howell, Jr.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Wolf Hollow, Lauren Wolk. Where The Watermelons Grow, Cindy Baldwin.
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