Hooked, Lansing, MI
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If ever there were a bookstore that could sit on a gold mine, this one is it. Located within a mile of a major college campus, Michigan State University, positioned in an area destined to be a future entertainment district, and best of all hordes of built-in customers living right under their noses. Sitting on top of Hooked are multiple floors of apartments that stretch for a block and they are filled to near capacity with students and young professionals. And there is more housing construction all around as well as a large hotel being built across the street. What a dream for this new indie, only 6 months old. And to think they weren't even going to have books!
The original plan for this space was to be a wine and coffee business called Bean & Vine. But the daughter of the owners, MSU professors Matt and Sarah, had different ideas and thought they should have books. So some how that idea evolved into an extremely attractive bookstore called Hooked, surrounded by what must be hundreds of customers and growing. Books, coffee, wine and all the events that come with it. All new books offered and numerous sidelines including very popular stickers, puzzles, and some MSU swag. I'm not a wine connoisseur but I thought they had an extensive inventory of a variety of wines. One of the events offers wine flights to the parents while they send the kids to story time in the children's area. In addition to an area with many cafe seating choices bathed in lots of natural light there are two outside patios to enjoy in nice weather. The bookstore is also part of the tour for the building leasing office when showing prospective tenants around. This store has so many built-in advantages I can't even begin to name them all.
This write-up and so many others wouldn't be as informative without the help of some special people. I didn't get to meet Matt or Sarah but how lucky I was that Caitlyn was there and kindly and patiently told me about the store and the business. I'm so appreciative when I meet people like this in EVERY BOOKSTORE! Readers, as you know, these are the true rock stars of the industry.
Hey Sparty parents, the next time you visit, drop-off, or pick-up a kid, make this place one of your stops. Enjoy a warm and charming atmosphere, cafe, comfortable seating, and best of all great people. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Maid, Stephanie Land. I know this book gets some good reviews but it just didn't grab me. Memoir of author's struggles as a single mother and her life on the border of poverty. For me, this book was mostly cleaning houses, then different houses, then more houses and then throw in some failed relationships. I couldn't even finish it. Meh.
CURRENTLY READING: Father and Son, Larry Brown.
Behind the bookstore, lots of potential customers.
Across the street from the bookstore, more housing units and more construction bringing additional customers.
This tall and long building? More customers! Bookstore is on the ground floor in the foreground.
Attractive signage and storefront.
On a nice day you can enjoy a seat outside.
View looking into the store from the front entrance.
Looking to the left from the front entrance. Ample tables and seating space. Beautiful.
Looking to the right from the front entrance. A sleekly designed cafe and counter service.
Before veering to the left or right, check out the books displayed right in front of you.
One of the many methods used to communicate events and humor.
Just a portion of the non-fiction offered.
Which did you like better, the book or the movie?
There are many places to sit and read, study, and sip like these appropriately colored Sparty green chairs.
This bookstore is very close to campus so you'll find a variety of Sparty swag.
Has your book club seen these books?
Just a few of the stickers available.
Even if you can't find something for yourself, this is a great way to splurge for a friend or relative.
If you're in the Lansing area, make sure you pick up a Hooked newsletter.
A good section of business and IT books.
A few of the gift cards offered.
Boxes of new books ready to find a short temporary home on the Hooked shelves.
Book clubs for all ages and interests.
Overview of the children's area.
Take time to enjoy this beautiful mural in the children's area at the back of the store.
A very small mural in the back of the store that includes important pictures that relate to the university. If you're a student, you should be able to identify these.
A cozy space for little readers.
Overview of the store looking from the back toward the front entrance.
The long wall of books at the back of the store for young readers.
We're not supposed to read these. So go ahead and get a couple.
Overview across the back of the store.
Of course, puzzles are huge.
Another view of the cafe service.
With bookseller Caitlyn, one of the fine people you'll meet at Hooked. Thanks for a great visit.
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