Bluestocking Social, Evansville, IN
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I'm always curious when visiting indies with unique names where the idea for their store name came from. When co-owner Annie F. explained that Bluestocking Social is based on a literary women's club from years ago I figuratively donked my head and said, for sure. Before I found this out I told Annie my theory about the store name. Bluestocking has a side door entrance with no store front to speak of and a descending stairway to a lower level and I thought ok, this is Bluestocking Social, like a bookstore speakeasy. Just mumble the password (Anita Book sent me) and you're in! But no corny passwords needed so enter the store and prepare to see a beautiful new independent bookstore.
This is another of many new indies I've visited that opened during the pandemic, August 2020. And similar to all those others I'm happy to hear that things are going very well. Bluestocking is located in a basement space and they've done an excellent job of organizing in a way that allows for very comfortable browsing. The store offers all new books along with a variety of sidelines including greeting cards, puzzles, and bookstore swag. The tiny book earrings and stickers have been selling well. One of the coolest sidelines I've seen is a locally crafted bathtub book stand. You now have NO reason to leave the bathtub. Best of all, Annie's husband and co-owner Matt offers a good stock of art supplies, thanks to his background in that field.
Bluestocking Social is conveniently located next to Honey Moon Coffeeshop, a very comfy college-town cafe. The bookstore is also diagonally across the street from the University of Evansville campus, another advantage. Now that students are slowly returning to in-person learning, Annie expects more of the community to discover the bookstore. When you visit, you might also get to meet Eleanor, a very excited and happy 4-legged friend who was helping Annie on the day of my visit. But take note, Eleanor alternates her bookstore days with a pug and a cat.
Hey Evansville, its time to discover this wonderful new independent bookstore. A clean, neat space that you'll enjoy visiting. Tell them Anita Book sent you. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: I will Judge You By Your Bookshelf, Grant Snider. A graphic novel that takes a humorous look at all the challenges and pitfalls of writing and reading. I enjoyed the artful comic drawings and I think aspiring writers might like this one.
CURRENTLY READING: The Stranger In The Lifeboat, Mitch Albom.
Right next door to Bluestocking is a hip little coffee shop you can also enjoy, Honey Moon Coffee.
Follow the arrow.
Psst. Here it is. Look around, check both ways, and go for it. Don't forget the password.
Down these stairs and take a right.
I always see lots of creativity at the indies I visit. This is beautiful.
View looking straight into the store.
Looking to the right from the entrance and a perfect overview of the entire store. Notice the good spacing of displays allowing for very comfortable browsing. Nice job.
Honestly, banned books have been some of my favorites.
Attractive table display.
One of the most intriguing sidelines I've seen and certainly a first. Made locally and one of a kind. There are so many things you could use this bathtub stand for. If you're lucky enough to have someone wait on you, you'll never have to leave the tub. The obvious book stand use could double as a bath tub meal tray. Never leave the tub! Have your aide serve your meals, happy hour, bring another book, additional reading material. Heck, you could even prepare a meal on this for others. The uses are endless!
Consider a signed book.
I've recently visited some bookstores where stickers are a thing. You'll find them here at Bluestocking too.
These are really tiny bookcover earrings.
A long wall of bookshelves to browse just inside the entrance and to the right.
I think the store logo is absolutely fantastic. Excellent work by the artist who created this. This appears on the store checkout counter.
Required reading? I know, I know. The ones that need to read it won't.
You can find some book blind dates around the store.
Have you fulfilled your New's Year resolution yet of visiting your independent bookstore?
This is a partial view of the store where you'll find various art supplies. If Matt is in, you can talk to him about art AND books!
Two great seats to sit and sample a book.
Just a few of the items of local interest and/or by local authors.
Partial view of the children's area including a cute little chair for a little reader.
If you live in Evansville, this would like great in your house or apartment.
Blind date books with a brief description. I love these promotions.
Overview of the store looking from the back toward the front entrance.
Doesn't this little girl just ooze cuteness? I hope when you visit Bluestocking you get to meet Eleanor. She was very talkative at first and then she let me enjoy her company!
Boy, this is a tough resolution to hang on to!
With Annie on the left, the fine co-owner at Bluestocking Social. Thanks for a great visit.
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