Novel Bay Booksellers, Sturgeon Bay, WI |
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Door County in northern Wisconsin is a nationally recognized and popular tourist attraction for many people. In the summers. So what does Indie Bob do? Heck, why visit Sturgeon Bay in the summer with all the sane and normal people when he can go on a cold winter day, with a wind chill below zero (for a visual understanding, look at the above picture)?! That's exactly what I did and when you enter this beautiful bookstore, it exudes a warmth from its beautiful interior and its fine owners that will make you quickly forget the Wisconsin tundra on the outside.
I'm not sure how things could be going any better here. Since this store opened a year and a half ago, everything has fallen into place quite nicely. Novel Bay has a primo location on the main downtown street and is fortunate to enjoy a reasonable lease and a very kind landlord. The store enjoys equal parts of a tourist and local customer base. In fact, the local customer base along with the business community have overwhelmingly embraced this new indie. All the more impressive considering the town only has a population of approximately 9000. The store has fostered a relationship with some of the local libraries who have purchased books here. I would love to see the schools become involved with the store in the future. Buy local, shop local, Sturgeon Bay schools. And the store's success happened in 5 short weeks from inception to opening. Very impressive considering husband/wife co-owners, John M. and Liz W., had no background in business or bookstores. As John told me, "We didn't know what we didn't know."
At Novel Bay Booksellers you'll discover a store with all new books and a variety of sidelines including some very talented works by local artists. I thought the books of local interest and/or by local authors were especially good. Best of all, you'll not meet two more engaging people to visit with than John and Liz. Their backgrounds prove that you can open a successful bookstore regardless of experience. John's background as a phyciscist and Liz's background as a journalist complement each other very well to give the physics equation that equals one heck of a bookstore.
So remember, you don't need to visit Novel Bay during the heighth of the tourist season, you can come here anytime. Just make sure in the winter to visit when they're open since they have shortened hours. Check out this most enjoyable bookstore and its wonderful owners. You won't stop at just one visit. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Rotters, Daniel Krause. This book was weird. Joey is in high school, plays trumpet in the band, and lives with his mother in Chicago. When she is killed his father is located and he is placed in his home in Iowa. Joey is an outcast at his new school so he begins going with his father who travels the country robbing graves. This is one of those that makes you look forward to your next book.
CURRENTLY READING: In Zanesville, Jo Ann Beard.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: Deep Dark Secrets, Joy Ann Ribar. Storm In A Teacup: The Physics Of Everyday Life, Helen Czerski.
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