Friday, September 20, 2024

Words Worth Books - Waterloo, ON Canada

Words Worth Books, Waterloo, ON Canada

 (Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on X)

Before Words Worth Books, co-owner David W.’s background was in a used book store.  If he wants to venture beyond the bookstore business he might have a future in comedy.  A really funny and fun guy and the type of person you’d want to go have a beer with at the end of the day.  And I can say that with so many more people I’ve met along this journey.  Besides this, he’s a very knowledgeable owner and can talk books with the best (unless you’re an enthusiastic sci-fi reader and then you need to talk to John, one of the Words Worth booksellers).

As David and John both told me, this is pretty much a straight-forward and general fiction bookstore.  As John said, they don't carry a lot of the fluff-fluff foo-foo stuff.  However, they do have a few sidelines including greeting cards, journals, calendars, and book tote bags to name a few.  They also had a fine assortment of magazines and periodicals.  As with many other indies, if you can’t visit in-person and want to support them consider going to their website and placing an order online.  I was happy to hear that the business was going well despite the challenging rent. 

This bookstore has been around for 40 years and needs to be recognized for its success over the years.  In those 40 years, David and wife Molly are the 2nd owners of the business with its super location in uptown Waterloo.  There is also a public transportation line that goes right by the store and should help people looking to snag that and visit Words Worth.  Recognition of the store’s success involves visiting, browsing, and maybe find something for yourself or a friend.  In this largely populated region, I’m sure there are many who’ve yet to discover this gem.  CanLit is strong here as are books published by small presses, something I could tell David takes pride in.  

This is why I visit bookstores.  To share, promote, and selfishly meet the infinite number of wonderful people who all make your experience worth it.  Or maybe I should say, Words WORTH it.  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir.

CURRENTLY READING:  Path Lit By Lightning, David Maraniss. 

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  The Rasmussen Papers, Connie Gault.  


Browse the table on the sidewalk and browse the terrific window display. 

View looking into the store from the front entrance. 

Just inside the store and looking to the left. 

I love this mural just inside the front door. 

Follow ALL of your favorite bookstores on whatever social media they use. 

Attractive display of popular Canadian novelist and poet, Jane Urquhart. 

View looking toward the left and front of the store. 

I strongly urge you to get one of these hip tote bags for the books you'll be buying. 

A variety of journals are offered. 

I think I would recommend this book even if you're not in a craft club. 

The left side of the store and a wall of books await your adventure. 

Just a few of the books offered by Canadian authors. 

Nice display of new releases toward the center of the store. 

A great YA section. 

Just a few of the staff picks. 

A good assortment of magazines. 

I love it when I see music instruction offered in a bookstore. 

An impressive display of cookbooks. 

Partial view of the children's area. 

Partial overview of the children's area. 

A wonderful quote beautifully displayed. 

A perfect fort underneath the tree mural for any little reader. 

Great picture of the impressive tree mural.  Congrats to the artist who created this. 

View of the store looking from the back toward the front entrance. 

With John on the left and David in the center, two of the fine people you'll meet at Words Worth Books.  Thanks for a great visit.

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