Yellow Bird Books, Aurora, IL
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Finally, at long last, Aurora has its very own independent bookstore. Many Chicago suburbs are home for independent bookstores and now Aurora can claim the same. Owner Karen N. opened Yellow Bird Books about 8 months ago and so far so good. Of course, things could always be better but for now they are sustaining, showing growth, and moving ahead. They are so fortunate to have a wonderful location in downtown Aurora on Stolp Island, a popular arts and entertainment district.
The nearby Paramount Theater, a renowned entertainment venue that attracts visitors from all over also benefits the bookstore with some of those same people who visit before and after shows. And even though Yellow Bird has a primo location they're blessed with a reasonable lease which will help with future growth. Nicely done, Aurora.
Yellow Bird Books is in a one-level, smallish space that offers all new books and a nice variety of sidelines. Don’t let the size fool you though. It is a very comfortable space for browsing and shopping. Sidelines include bookmarks, puzzles, cicada earrings, 3-D printed figures (like cicadas), art (more cicadas) and the very popular stickers to name just a few (June is the month of cicadas for small businesses and artists in Aurora). Many of the sidelines are created by local artists (e.g. the cicadas). If you can't visit in person, consider placing an order online at bookshop.org. Enjoy the beautiful mural in the children's section created by a local artist who also does set designs for local theater.
As I left Yellow Bird Books all I could think was, what an absoultely delightful and uplifting experience. I know this is true of almost all my bookstore visits but Karen and bookseller Melissa are just the best. I’ve also learned from many visits that even though a bookstore has been open for a few months, many in the community are unaware. Oh my gosh, AURORA, wake up and smell the coffee! If you're a regular introduce a friend or relative to this wonderful bookstore. Spread the word about this special business in the hands of some terrific people. Buy local, shop local and keep it in the community. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Small Mercies, Dennis Lehane. If you've not discovered this author yet, I encourage you to do so. This is his most recent work of historical fiction depicting the forced busing controversy in Boston during the 70s. But there is an atmosphere of corruption, crime, and racism in the Southie neighborhood that hits one family hard leading a tough mother to search for her missing teenage daughter. Outstanding. Highly recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: All The Sinners Bleed, S. A. Crosby.
RECENTLY PURCHASED: The Teacher, Freida McFadden. The Summer Book, Tove Jansson. The Red Notebook, Paul Auster. And a very cool Yellow Bird Books t-shirt.
A good sign indeed.
Beeautiful storefront in a historic building. I like the architecture trim.
Large display window with a variety of creative artwork.
Looking into the store from the front entrance.
View directly to the right after entering. Look for your Yellow Bird t-shirts here.
The town has an interesting architecture history.
Only at an independent bookstore can you find cicada earrings, created locally. If you see something you like, GET IT. It will be difficult to find elsewhere.
The store also offers unique art for sale, created locally.
Walk up to the front display window inside the store and find many summer adventure and travel guides.
View looking from front to back.
Find this book cart and find a bargain.
I thought the t-shirts here were pretty hip. I went with the black one in short sleeves. Get hip, Aurora.
Display of books offered in Spanish, among others.
A few of the games available.
Some of the figurines on this table were generated by 3-D printers. Amazing.
The store has a pretty wide assortment of sidelines including puzzles and journals.
Overview of the children's section. I absolutely adore this mural. No surprise that the artist also does set designs for the local theater.
Closer view of the mural.
Come on, everyone knows a family with a baby who could use a bookstore onesie!
It's an easy drive from Aurora to Wrigley Field. Get this book to prepare yourself.
Pull up a seat and try a book.
I love these bookends.
Overview of the store looking from the back to the front.
These kids forgot their permission slips and couldn't go to the bookstore...
...these kids remembered their permission slips and got to go to the bookstore! With Melissa on the left and Karen on the right, two of the fine ladies you'll meet at Yellow Bird Books. Thanks for a great visit.
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