Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Book Deal - Madison, WI

The Book Deal,  Madison, WI

(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Spot on Twitter)

Follow the arrows. 
This was way more than a bookstore experience, it was an adventure.  Set your GPS, dear readers, to lead you to this hidden gem and that is just the beginning of your adventure.  When you arrive trust the arrows and follow them through the maze of long and short hallways until finally, your trek is rewarded when you turn left into the front room of The Book Deal.  But the adventure isn't over yet.  As I browsed through the four smallish rooms after the front room I started to become concerned.  Where was the fiction?  Historical fiction?  What about children's?  Then the co-owner Josh D. said, do you want to go across the hall and see the rest?  Ahh!  The adventure bloomed into the technicolor portion of "The Wizard of Oz."  Or the deep end of the water after the kiddie pool.  No worries, reader, this place will have EVERY genre covered and then some.  

The Book Deal began selling books online years ago with brothers Rick and Jim J.  Fast forward to this month and the brick and mortar is celebrating its 5th birthday with owners Rick, Jim, and Josh.  The store stocks all used books along with some collectible editions.  Customers often donate their books but they can receive store credit if they choose.  They also offer a customer incentive program where you can become a VIB (Very Important Booklover) and earn 10 pages for every $1 spent and then cash your pages in for free books.  I love this!  Other than stickers, this indie is mostly about the books.  Remember, if you can't visit in-person you can always support this indie by purchasing online through

I must tell you that these observations about the store have an expiration date.  Over the next few months, The Book Deal will begin a new chapter moving to their own building, one they will own.  A more visible location and much closer to the vibrant and large University of Wisconsin campus.  In my opinion, this wonderful indie will become even better and I expect its customer base to explode.  So before you visit, make sure you check the address.  Congratulations to The Book Deal and don't miss this one no matter where its located.  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir.

JUST FINISHED:  Fathers, Sons, and the Holy Ghosts of Baseball, Tommy Murray.  A story about small town life, the Catholic church, and the local high school baseball team and their three senior citizen coaches.  Year after year, Cottage Park is one of the best baseball teams in the state but they continue to chase the dream of winning a state championship.  Its the same dream for their elderly coaches who are determined to do it in their final season or die trying. 

CURRENTLY READING:  West With Giraffes, Lynda Rutledge. 

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  Ramage, Dudley Pope. 


Surely you'll find something among 30,000+ books!

Long hallways and turns. 

Keep going. 

Not a trap, a maze!

Almost there. 


Looking into the store from the main entrance, after the hallways!

If you're a regular, be sure to take advantage of this. 

Beautiful wall mural just opposite the checkout counter. 

Take notice, especially notice that the first 5 children's books are free.  Fantastic promotion. 

View looking into the science fiction and fantasy room. 

Overview of the vintage and modern classics room. 

A very hip chair in the vintage and modern classics room. 

Overview of the room containing young adult, graphic novels, and comic books. 

Comic book fans will love this room. 

Overview of room that contains mysteries and thrillers. 

Popular mysteries displayed in the mystery room. 

What?  There's more? 

Venture across the hall and this is the first thing you'll see. 

Of course they have banned books!

Looking for the old stuff?  Here you go. 

I love the table display in this room. 

Just a few of the collectible editions offered.  Check out the big boys on the bottom shelf. 

One of the multiple rooms across the hall from the main room. 

View looking into the nonfiction room. 

Another display of collectible editions.

Overview of the children's room. 

Chairs for little readers. 

Large room of fiction. 

Another overview of the large fiction room. 

Follow the arrow back to the main room.

Always check out the stickers. 

Can't decide on the perfect book for a gift?  Here's your answer. 
With Josh on the left, one of the fine co-owners at The Book Deal.  Thanks for a great visit. 

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