Robin's Nest Bookshoppe, DeKalb, IL
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The story I heard here was similar to one that I've heard at other bookstores. A little girl grows into adulthood and fulfills a life-long dream of finally opening a bookstore. Robin's Nest Bookshoppe is that dream fulfilled for owner Bobbi H., open now for about three months since early April. Like so many others, the pandemic froze Bobbi and her husband in place at home for many months and that's when the wheels started turning and the vision took hold that this might be the time to finally open a bookstore. Thanks to the help of a local developer who assisted many DeKalb small businesses, Bobbi's dream became a reality as the pandemic was subsiding. This is also another illustration of a teacher who decided to give that up and open a bookstore.
Robin's Nest has an excellent location in downtown DeKalb on the old Lincoln Highway that runs through town. The interior is absolutely beautiful and contrary to other new bookstore owners, it was ready-made for Bobbi to move in and she didn't have to do much renovation. The store offers new and used books and customers will never pay more than $5 for used books. The DeKalb community is VERY supportive of this bookstore since there hasn't been one here for sometime. Consequently, many of the used books are donated as a gesture of support for Robin's Nest. Way to go, DeKalb.
The store hasn't held events yet but that will be starting very soon with local author "meet and greets," readings, and a children's story time. Bobbi has a good variety of sidelines including greeting cards, teas, book scarves, and puzzles to name just a few. The sidelines are starting to sell well and the puzzles have done especially well as they have at so many other bookstores during the pandemic.
The local community is really behind this wonderful bookstore. DeKalb is also home to a large university, Northern Illinois University, not far from the bookstore. Hopefully, when school resumes with in-person learning, the university community will discover Robin's Nest Bookshoppe. Now is the time for all good Huskies to come to the aid of their bookstore! I'm so happy to learn during my visit that this business is off to an excellent start. This is yet another newly opened bookstore that is a pandemic baby! For travelers on I88, take one of the DeKalb exits and make your way to downtown and visit this indie newbie. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: Six Years, Harlan Coben. Whenever I need to restore my reading rhythm, this is one of my go-to authors. Jake Fisher is a professor at a small college when the love of his life marries another man. At that wedding, Natalie, tells him to stay away forever. But after 6 years, her husband is murdered and Jake begins an ill-advised search to find Natalie, his true love. If you've never read Harlan Coben, I highly recommend him. Very readable, and the mysteries always hold your interest. Recommended.
CURRENTLY READING: Our Team: The Epic Story of Four Men and the World Series That Changed Baseball, Luke Epplin.
Expansive windows for lots of natural light and displays.
Beautiful view looking into the store from the front entrance.
Looking to the right from the front entrance and you'll find a couple of great places to sample a book.
I've learned on this journey that the creativity of owners and booksellers knows no bounds. I love these spindled book pages in the front window.
Display of sidelines near the front of the store including teas and journals.
Table display for the younger readers and the young at heart.
This is the checkout counter that will eventually completely fill this facing with book spines. Nicely done.
Partial view of the non-fiction section.
Literary-themed book scarves. A great gift idea.
Spinner rack display of popular releases.
Display of books by local and regional authors.
As far as I'm concerned, beach reads are year round!
Animal-themed greeting cards.
I always appreciate great places to sit in a bookstore.
Display of new releases.
When I first saw this I thought it was a mirror. Go through this portal and you'll be in the kid's room.
Partial view of the children's room.
Little chairs for little readers. Kids will love this room.
Overview of the children's room.
Overview of the bookstore looking from the back toward the front entrance.
Nothing like browsing a long wall of books.
Here you go Outlander fans.
Some gifts for your friends in high places.
With Bobbi, the fine owner at Robin's Nest Bookshoppe. Thanks for a great visit.
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