Brilliant Books, Traverse City, MI |
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This is my third tour through Michigan and after my 1st tour of Michigan was already behind me, I received a message from a follower asking if I had made it to Brilliant Books in Traverse City, because it is a great bookstore. Drat it all. I had to tell her that I didn't make it there but I would try to get back. And now finally, I can say, mission accomplished and the reader was right. What a wonderful bookstore located in the heart of downtown Traverse City. In fact, the follower undersold it. This indie isn't merely great, it's (say it with me) BRILLIANT.
This is an example of another bookstore that could've easily been included in Ron Rice's,
My Bookstore. An expansive one-level space offering all new books, everything neatly arranged and displayed. I thought the children's section was especially outstanding as well as the offerings by local authors and interests. The local interest books, in my opinion, are probably big sellers in the summers when this town is hit with hundreds of thousands of tourists. These tourists make up an important part of the customer base since many continue to purchase books from the store on-line. This is a great service for those folks who return home to a town with no independent bookstore. In fact, this is just a huge part of the business and the store bills itself as "Your Long Distance Local Bookstore." There are some good perks with the store for doing this and they offer a unique subscription service that I haven't noticed elsewhere (
Brilliant Books).
Brilliant Books offers events, held right in the store. They also have a variety of sidelines including lots of greeting cards, reading glasses, t-shirts, onesies for the baby, socks, and a few other items that will make you smile. The store has an incentive program and by becoming a member you can earn some good discounts and perks. I wish more indies would do this.
The highlight of my day though was meeting five of the wonderful people who work here. Peter, the co-owner with his wife who started the business here 10 years ago, along with Andrew, Rachel, Jack, and Caitlin, the social media person, were the best. What an all-star staff they have here. My only disappointment was not meeting the rest of their team!
Since Traverse City is such a tourist destination, I'm counting on all my tourist followers to check this store out. I had to pull myself out of the store or I would've been there all day. You won't have to worry about that on your vacation. Enjoy a wonderful experience at Brilliant Books. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
Lilac Girls, Martha Hall Kelly.
RECENTYLY PURCHASED: Not purchased but gifted, a souvenir Brilliant Books coffee mug. Thanks Peter!
Another exterior view of a beautiful store front. |
The store has lots of window display space. |
View looking straight into the store from the front entrance. Enterprising readers may recognize the celebrity scanning the book display. Yes, that's my mom. |
View looking to the left from the front entrance. |
View looking to the right from the front entrance and a great wall display, all books displayed with covers facing out. |
All of the table displays were outstanding. |
Need a t-shirt for your next literary party? Here you go. |
Just a portion of the books offered by local authors. |
Just a few of the greeting cards available. |
The store has a long wall of fiction and I love the big sign to help find it. |
A nice display of Shinola journals. |
Check this out. A map of the many places where Brilliant Books ships books, from their store in Traverse City all over the country. My guess is that they ship to more than what the map can show. |
Thankfully they offer reading glasses for shoppers like me who break and lose them often. |
When bookstores have the space, I think this is a great way to display t-shirts. |
This is part of the very comfortable seating area, right in the middle of the store. |
Socks and bookbags. |
A portion of the children's section. |
Kids are going to love coming here. |
View from the back of the store looking toward the front entrance. |
This long wall of books will keep you busy. |
Only at an independent bookstore. |
A few of the all-stars you're going to enjoy meeting at Brilliant Books. L-R: Rachel, Jack Andrew, Peter (the owner), and Caitlin. Thanks for a great visit. |
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