Gramercy Books, Bexley, OH |
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Readers, I wish my abilities of expression were better so I could give you a true picture of how wonderful these many bookstores are. I feel especially deficient when trying to accurately portray Gramercy Books in Bexley, OH. No two bookstores are alike and beauty comes in all shapes, but there's no way around describing this indie as anything other than a very beautiful store. It's obvious that a great deal of thought went into the planning of their space. The design, the paint work and wall quotes, display windows, a four-sided message board near the check-out counter, and so much more. Heck, even the bathrooms were beautiful and fragrant (speaking only for the men's; did not get a visual or tour of the women's). But like all my other visits, the beauty of the store is only exceeded by the niceness of the wonderful people you'll meet at Gramercy Books who are the ones that give the store its true sparkle.
Gramercy Books is a medium-sized, one-level bookstore that is extremely well arranged. They offer all new books and a diversity of sidelines. Despite its medium size, I thought the store really offered lots of inventory without feeling crowded. It's very easy to browse here and is connected to Kittie's, a small cafe, on the inside. These are two separate businesses that compliment each other very well. The store is already hosting many events, both on-site and off. They have a great partnership with the local library right across the street and are able to use their auditorium for large events, a great arrangement for both.
The people you meet at Gramercy Books are the best. Linda K., the owner, Debbie B., the store's manager, and Nikki, one of the booksellers are all wonderful. People like these make visiting bookstores a blast and one of the reasons I encourage everyone to explore this fulfilling experience instead of an impersonal click and submit on the internet.
Regular readers, have you noticed anything over the last year or so of my visits? Gramercy is part of a trend that I'm seeing just about everywhere. Indies are returning, they're growing, and they're sustaining. This store is now part of that movement and if you're in the Columbus, OH area visit this place and find out why. Discover the rewarding experience and be part of something positive. Shop local, buy local, Bexley. Congratulations Linda. Go to an indie and buy a book. Bonsoir.
JUST FINISHED: The Poet Of Tolstoy Park, Sonny Brewer. Based on the true story of an Idaho man in the 1920s who moved to Fairhope, AL because he was diagnosed with a terminal condition and not expected to live long. He built his own little house in the woods, living for years, and dispensing life philosophy.
CURRENTLY READING: The Bookseller, Mark Pryor.
This Boy's Life, Tobias Wolff.
I haven't visited too many indies that have their own designated parking signs but I love it when I see them. Gramercy is located on a busy street but you can find free parking behind the store. Look for these signs. |
View looking into the store from the front entrance. |
You'll see a relevant and timely table display the minute you walk in. |
A variety of nicely displayed magazines. On the right you'll see some Gramercy swag. |
View looking into Kittie's from the bookstore. They also have their own exterior entrance. |
One side of the 4-sided message board. |
A nice display of the classics. |
There is a great selection of books in the music section located near the front of the store. |
The display of Pulitzer Prize winners. |
Debbie is the store manager and she recommended A Prayer For Owen Meany to me at a previous bookstore. It was great! Trust Debbie! |
A great seating area |
This store has a good variety of sidelines. |
Another one of the great sidelines here. |
A few of the greeting cards available. |
They even have a cool clock here. |
A good inventory of teen and YA fiction. |
Looking into the children's section. |
Another view of the children's section. |
A beautiful display in the children's section. |
These really work! |
If you see these in an independent bookstore, check them out Very cool! |
View from the back of the store looking toward the front entrance. |
The best. |
The rock stars at Gramercy Books. L-R, Debbie, yours truly, Linda, and Nikki. Thanks for a great visit. |
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