Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Butterfat Books - Ferndale, CA

Butterfat Book, Ferndale, CA

(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on X)

Ferndale, CA is one of those places you would want to visit as a tourist destination but may have never heard of.  Main St. is the place to be in this small town of approximately 1300.  Small local businesses along a 4-5 block section of Main. St, all in historical buildings.  And I’m very happy to share that this touristy area finally gave birth to a bookstore in 2023, a little over a year ago.  The cherry on top to complement all the others in this very walkable downtown area.

Owner Jessica B is the one-person staff in this terrific indie.  But she does get occasional help when needed from a son and a daughter who both have examples of their talents displayed in the store.  Butterfat Books offers both new and used books in a very clean and neat setting.  Jessica is able to reduce overhead by only taking in used books as donations, a great benefit for any indie that stocks used books.  The used books aren’t on a data base but she knows where to find them if they’re in the store.  Butterfat has some sidelines available including journals, art supplies, post cards, puzzles, and candles to name just a few.  My favorite sideline here is the literary flowers created by Jessica’s daughter.  Unique, creative, and one of a kind.  Jessica also offers some books online, especially those that cost a little more, possibly vintage or collectible editions.  The prices on the used books are very reasonable, $5 for hardcovers and $3 for paperbacks.  The display in the front window are book bundles, books that are bundled and sold together that all have the same author.  Great idea.

Butterfat Books is very dependent on tourists for their success.  This is huge during the summers and December and is critical not only for Butterfat, but for all the other small businesses in Ferndale.  That means the fine people of Ferndale and the surrounding area need to step up their support and discover this great bookstore.  Many communities of readers without a Butterfat Books would LOVE to have one.  Help sustain this super business and shop local, buy local, to keep this important bookstore in the community.  Go to a bookstore and buy a book.  Bonsoir.

JUST FINISHED:  The Trees, Percival Everett.  A caricature of southern buffoonery but also the mysterious deaths of White men who are descendants of men who lynched Black men in the south.  Is it some kind of payback?  Revenge from the graves?  The killings lead all the way to the White House and a somewhat comical reaction from the current president.  I enjoyed this one by the same author who wrote James.  Recommended. 

CURRENTLY READING:  The Terminal List, Jack Carr.     

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  Fierce Pajamas, edited by David Remnick and Henry Finder.  An anthology of humor writing from The New Yorker.   


Beautiful storefront in a historical building. 

Don't pass up a bargain like this one outside of the store. 

View looking into the store from the front entrance. 

Looking to the left from the front entrance. 

Directly to the right after entering.  Each bundle of books are books by the same author.  I think this is a great idea. 

Head over to the right side of the store and start your browsing. 

This Independence Day sale features library books for $1. 

Assortment of book totes at the checkout counter. 

You won't be able to judge these books by their cover but you will know the genre and a brief description. 

Jessica's son got his first deer, now displayed in the bookstore. 

Distinctive light fixtures and windows in the front of the store. 

These literary flowers were made by Jessica's daughter.  Creative, unique and reasonably priced. 

Bookstore candles are popular at many indies. 

Assorted art supplies available here. 

Independent bookstores often support community and social causes. 

Some fabulous book art. 

Just a few of the books by local authors or of local interest. 

Very reasonable. 

After you get done browsing the right side of the store come over here to the left side. 

Overview of the children's area. 

The store also offers puzzles. 

Another overview of the children's area. 

I LOVE the neat decor found in every bookstore. 

View from the back of the store looking toward the front entrance. 

With Jessica, the fine owner at Butterfat Books.  Thanks for a great visit. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tin Can Mailman - Aracata, CA

Tin Can Mailman, Arcata, CA

(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on X)

I love the name of this bookstore and the story behind it.  The original owner spent some time in the Peace Corps and part of that experience was spent on an island in the Pacific that ships were unable to get to.  The only way these islanders could get their mail was via a large tin can that was lobbed into the ocean and these people would swim (?) or canoe out to retrieve the large tin can containing the incoming mail for the island’s residents.  How that then became the store name I’m not sure but I’m fascinated by the story and the unique name for this splendid bookstore.

Tin Can Mailman has been in business for over 50 years, since 1972, located in the Arcata downtown business district.  Husband /wife co-owners Mike and Margo G. L. are the 4th ownership for the store.  Tin Can has two levels jam-packed with used books and they also offer a few new books that are stocked as popular sellers for customers.  Margo is a sci-fi expert and some of the new titles reflect that.  They don’t have the used books on an inventory but they can tell you where in the store a book would be if they have it.  They do offer online sales for some of their more expensive books.  These might include signed editions or vintage and collectible books.  For college students in the area looking to save money, you might be able to find a used text book here.  The organization of the store was excellent with lots of signs clearly marking genres and the organization within.  In general, you’ll find fiction on the main floor and non-fiction on the 2nd floor.  

I especially liked the island tapestries displayed high on the walls around the center room of the main floor.  These were displayed as an acknowledgement to the store’s connection to their Pacific Islands.  Essentially, a fabric of paper created from pounded bark and then designed with incredible artistry.  The detail is remarkable. Be sure to take time to enjoy these historical artifacts as you browse. 

Best of all, Margo has assembled a staff second to none.  Carrie and Justice were as friendly and conversant as any I meet along my journey.  People like this are why I enjoy this project so much.

If your travels take you anywhere near Arcata, stop in and visit this terrific bookstore with the most memorable of names.  Nothing compares to wandering the many nooks and aisles of Tin Can Mailman.  Go to an indie and buy a book.  Bonsoir.

JUST FINISHED:  Nada, Jean-Patrick Manchette.  Translation from the French and published in 1972, this work of fiction reflects the times it was written in.  An extremist group plots to kidnap the US Ambassador to France and the group includes members with differing political ideals.  I would define this one as a thriller as the group makes a run for it with the ambassador.  Do they succeed?  If you haven’t read this author give it a try.  Recommended.

CURRENTLY READING:  The Trees, Percival Everett.  

RECENTLY PURCHASED:  All The King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren.  My Life and Hard Times, James Thurber.  

Excellent corner location. 

Feel free to do this at any bookstore you visit. 
View looking into the store from the front entrance. 
Just inside the front entrance.  In general, you'll find fiction on the main floor and non-fiction upstairs. 
These buttons will be your impulse buy at the check-out counter. 
Find some bargains just inside the entrance. 
Take a few steps into the store and you'll get this overview of the main floor. 
Looking upward from the main floor.  The 2nd floor wraps around above the first. 
One of the many book aisles. 
A great way for customers to recommend a book. 
One of the long walls of books on the main floorl. 

Partial view of the children's area. 
In action photo of Margo selling a book. 
A few of the large print editions available. 
The store offers a few new books that can be found here, near the entrance. 
I have no idea what the point of this picture was or why I took it. 
A few of the comic books offered. 
Since you won’t be leaving here empty-handed, this would be an important purchase.  

Overview of the 2nd floor from the top of the stairway. 
Partial view of the 2nd floor. 
One of the long book aisles on the 2nd floor. 
This area on the 2nd floor includes local and California history. 
Looking down on the main floor of the bookstore from the 2nd level. 

The tapestries you see in the pictures above were hand-made by Pacific Islanders by pounding bark into paper.  Then they created unique and ornate designs for each one.  A must see at this store displayed on the upper walls of the main floor.  Absolutely fascinating. 

With Margo, the fine owner at Tin Can Mailman.  Thanks for a great visit.